Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hong Kong May 2010

At last, my post on HK trip! My eyes are so tired! As requested by Miss Guess Who. :)

Before you decided to wonder, why Piddles keep travelling huh?? She no need to take care of Jared izzit?!

Well, it's her yearly trip to Hong Kong anyway, and this time her sis & mom asked her to come along, so this will Jared's very first time on the plane. Roy didn't go cos mainly, save some extra cash so that she can spend more in hk, and also he can have a break & play his golf!

Since the summer sale has not started in May yet, she decided that the next best timing would be on Mother's Day where there WILL be some sales going on. So good right? They have sales for every occasions, and their sales are really sale like slashing half price and stuff.

She got jittery cos not sure how J will react during the plane ride, and bringing a baby & a old folk was a big operation so she, sis & Dennis (brother-in-law) had to make sure all went well, which in fact it did! Thank goodness!

This posting will have lotsa pics of Dennis & J cos he's been tasked the main caretaker of J, heh. But Piddles is really very grateful to him for taking good care of the little prince. Kudos to Dennis!

Boarding liao but she still can pose for pictures. :P

As Jared is still less than 2 yrs old, his ticket is classified as infant so technically he don't need a seat. But Piddles's operations colleague at the CX counter was kind enough to block a seat for him so that there're more space to move around. He sat with mom & Dennis while she's with sis but the boy still struggled out to her so that he can open & close the window shutter. =_=

Open close open close, he can do that for ages! Kids love repetition.

Finally reached shopping paradise, after a grueling 3.5hr flight. Transfer picking us up from the airport, and J being the curious cat, enjoyed looking out at the view.

While waiting for the transfer coach, need to entertain J a bit. Mann, this trip was all about entertainment for the little prince! Just funny watching him sat on the luggage and moving sideways, looked like a rip off scene from Stephen Chow movie.

And while in the coach, Piddles was trying to catch a snooze but was awoken by J's laughter. Dennis was just playing electrifying hands & that can tickled J so much. So easy to make him laugh. :D

Getting grumpy being strapped up in the stroller cos we don't allow him to walk by himself as he refuses to be held by the hand & it's just too tiring to carry him around.

Ironman exhibit at Miramar Shopping Mall. A lot of people armed with cammies big & small snapping away so she also took lah.. Nothing much to take anyway.

We put up at Park Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui, which is quite nice cos it's newly renovated. Showered & changed into PJs & peering out of the window again. He loves to look out of windows..

All dressed up & out for breakfast the next morning.
Dennis commented he like J's striped polo tee. It's from cousin Shirleen who got them from U.S. :D

Their typical brekkie, nothing like our roti prata or nasi lemak and stuff.

After that went back to hotel cos someone needs to poop, forgot who liao..

At least she remembered to take a family shot, and J looking at the cammie which was rare.
Even though J is older now, he still needs his afternoon nap. Really thank goodness we brought the stroller along cos the little prince dozed off while we went out for lunch at Langham in Mongkok.

Continuing his snooze and oblivious to the noisy & crowded eatery. At least we can eat in peace. :)

Looks like pork but this is actually beef but forgot which part. Haha..

But this is nice! Deep fried pumpkin with octopus meat, she happily ate until left 3 pieces before remembering to take a picture of it.

The fussy prince doesn't like to drink plain water so we had to get watermelon juice along the way. And the straw was too thick & he got no strength to suck out so had to spoon feed him.

They stopped right in the middle of one of the busiest street in hk, in mongkok no less. Must make sure J gets enough fluid, don't care already cos his poop are super hard!

Piddles die die must go to this shop in mongkok, what they selling?

Cold noodle in oyster sauce, chilli & jap jelly seaweed. She's satisfied liao..

In the crowded train cabin, for once Jared is well-behaved and wants to be carried. Think he's a bit scared by so many strangers in a small space.

Unglam self shot in the train cabin, sis always say don't put in pictures of her in it but in Piddles's eyes, she's adorable. Don't care what other people think, its her blog!

She went back to the hotel & the room was all cleaned up and tidied. And the chambermaid was kind enough to help her lined up all her toiletries accordingly to height. Dennis said its like a mini watson, heh..
ps: Please ignore mom's undie hanging in the background, lazy to edit.

This looks like Piddles but she's actually called Penelope from Japan. Equally cute.

The earrings all look so cute, but she don't wear earrings. Save some money on that.

Touching this static ball thingy.. And don't quite like it..

This is men's boxer shorts wrapped like a lollipop. Will you want that as a gift?

J loves bubbles, but this time he can't make a grab for it. Hur hur..

Dennis brought us to Charlie Brown Cafe which they chanced upon the previous trip.

Her favourite character is Woodstock, the little yellow bird who's always following Snoopy.

Plonked J on the seat first while waiting for the baby chair. Everything there are all charlie brown themed except for the white baby chair from Ikea.

Happy Mother's Day, Mummy!

Charlie Brow tiramisu.
Lattes with cocoa powder of Snoopy & Woodstock.

The pastries look cute enough but she doubts they taste as nice. Ok only.

There's this restaurant downstairs at the hotel & they will passby without fail & the ducks are beckoning to them. So finally decided to do takeaway for half a roast duck. Wanted to try roast goose initially but Mom says its super heaty. :P

Paying up, and while waiting for the duck to be chopped up & packed, J attracting the attentions of the aunties.
Tip of the day: Bring a kid out, whether to eat or passing thru immigration etc. Always make people turn all soft & cooing sweet talks to them. :)

He is quite friendly (based on mood that day) & will offer his hand for a handshake when asked.

And ended up in the aunty's arms, what a gullible boy! But the aunty is super happy & yakking away in speedy cantonese, haha!
They wanted to try the fish meatballs along the way back to hotel so Piddles went to buy some to try out. Even though she seldom speaks cantonese, but if the hongkies can undertand, means it's not bad already!

Fish meatballs on the right & octupus on the left, with a special spicy sauce.

Their roast duck was so succulent & nice. They should have bought 1 whole duck to go instead. -_-

Sneaking food in as usual. J also enjoys the local delights.

One leg raised in the tub already, can't get his clothes off fast enough. What a impatient boy!

Washing his pat pat. He enjoys playing with water in the bathtub. Everybody squeezed inside the bathroom to see J playing, quite crowded!
She went out with sis & Dennis to uniqlo to do some late shopping and came back to find J asleep. He has weird sleeping patterns. Even at home, you wake up to find him curled up above you in one corner & the next to find him below your feet.

They had breakfast early the next day cos supposed to go Disneyland. Pineapple bun with lotsa butter.

Their porridge are always nice, maybe cos they add dried scallops in too.

You char kway wrapped in chee cheong fun. That's how they eat it there.

Quite a good spread. The egg omelette is nice!

These 3 pictures are taken by Dennis. I didn't notice Jared's smiling so cheekily when playing with my phone cos busy eating lah.

He must've located his favourite clip in my videos and looking smug about it.

Piddles told J to behave & eat the bread that Grams pinched for him. But J just looked at her with a cheeky look.. =_=
For you, yong (your softspot).

In the train and looking serious again.

Piddles noticed the people there don't readily give up seats to the elderly or with children, strange cos they had such good customer services that's why she loves to shop there. They managed to get seats but Piddles gave up hers to a elderly lady.
Holding on tightly to the farecard and looking solemn.

Boarded the Mickey rail and everything is in the shape of Mickey's head.

And of all days there, it has to rain on that day they went disneyland! They were still contemplating on whether to go into the themepark or just detour back to tsim sha tsui.. Aiyah, what the heck! Bought another brolly, rent their stroller cos got cover and just whacked.
It's really quite disappointing she must say, not much rides available. Not that she got time to take but still! It's not worth S$65!

Not much kiddy rides too, so settled for the carousel. Mann, her thigh is huge!

Then the sleepy monster has attacked again. Piddles love to see the sleeping image of J so he will look so innocent & totally quietness.
Since J is asleep, nothing much they can do so she went with sis to take a ride at space mountain in Tomorrowland. It's a highspeed rollercoaster ride in complete darkness in a dome, and she screamed & shouted so loud beside sis that she went quite dizzy.

Parked J at the parking corner. Drizzling & its quite cool.

She loves her cammie backflip screen where she can see previews of her shots, won't get out of place.

As usual, long queues for phototaking with the characters so she just took random shots.

This is quite funny. The boy keeps holding on in this position for quite some time cos the father's having trouble with his camera. Grumbling away in tamil.
At main street u.s.a. Had to take the signature cinderally castle in the background.

The woman from the Tay family. Don't mess around with them!

Cute brolly that Dennis bought. Hey, it's still at my home!
Think J enjoys the ride at It's a Small World in Fantasyland. Keep looking all around him.
See, he's so relaxed and even stretched out his legs.

The clock will ring every half hour so we waited & the little puppets will roll out and dance. So cute.
Still raining.. Irritating.

A kiss to my little prince.
Her tummy sticking out again, sigh..

J's socks were wet so let him walk barefoot a while.
On our way out, we left around 3.30, it's a record for me.., never left a theme park so early before.

Yay, a solo picture of Jared.

Bought these at their 7-11 downstairs, theirs are much more interesting than ours with lotsa varieties of foodstuff to be microwaved & ready to be eaten.

Not bad actually but too bad no chilli sauce.

Jared had a hungry pang that night, drank 4 bottles of milk! And pee-ed so much that his diaper became so heavy. Dragging along as he walk, as you can see.

All packed & ready to go airport. Din allow him to nap first so that he can nap on board.
In the coach feeling sluggish.

But we still managed to play clown to make him laugh & kept him entertained.

Some of them ask again if J is a girl, izzit cos he resembles me too much? Cute but look like girl. -_-III

Plonked J on the luggage trolley this time. He's holding on my precious nine west cargo. I love my prezzie!

Stoopid checkin staff went to slot in an elderly couple in between the seat which my col has blocked for J. So ended up we swopped seats so that the old couple can be seated together and J's seat was on Dennis's lap. Think he's too tired so managed to fall asleep quite fast.

Overall, the trip was enjoyable but not fruitful cos Piddles din managed to shop much at mongkok but at least she insisted on going to her favourite Vertical Club so not too bad.

Targetting Osaka next in Oct. Hopefully not too cold for J.