Monday, January 18, 2010

Have not been doing any updates due busy taking care of Jared for the past week. He developed some rashes after 3 days of fever, and it's quite serious from the picture of his tummy. Cos he is so fair, that Piddles can see all the angry red dots all over his forehead and body, and she's so worried for him. Luckily it cleared away after another 2 days. It's been a tiring week all and all for Piddles and mom.

And she managed to take a clip of him rolling on the floor and crying for mommy. It's a little dark though..

And he looked just so poor thing, uncomfy and unable to express himself, that you can't help but to craddle him in your arms and gives him lotsa love.

Anyway, he doesn't really drink that much milk due to sore throat last week. But Piddles still stocked up on the supply since there's offer at the supermarket. She's behaving like a kiasu parent now. :P
The tins are really heavy and these can only last for less than 2 months! $_$

Anyway, the cheeky boy is back to his usual self on sunday, and of cos refusing to sleep during naptime. =_=

After gym class, went TM for a while. And daddy brought Jared to yamaha music school to take a look at guitars while Piddles run some errands. The boy as usual, decided to explore the place a bit touching and pressing at anything he can get his hands on.

Maybe can uncover any hidden musical talents in him. He seems more interested in the buttons instead. Or anything with holes in it. -_-

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