Friday, January 29, 2010

My Nephew, finally!

After a grueling 40 weeks of pregnancy, my sister-in-law has finally gave birth to little Cyan on 27th Jan 10. Piddles is excited cos she loves new babies. Just so tiny and helpless, best of all don't scream & shout, nor struggle or roll on the floor.. haha~

It's been more than 18 months since Piddles last stepped into a maternity ward. To think she used to frequent Mt. Elizabeth, still in pain after delivery cos Jared has jaundice and needed to be warded for phototherapy.. Those were the days.. :P
Look at the row of little boys, all swaddled up!

Ta dah! Showing to the rest of you, Cyan Tay at 1 day old. Yup, Cyan is technically a dark greenish-blue colour. You see, my brother is an artist, so maybe colours to him are a huge thing.. And Cyan could be his favourite colour. Heh~

Looking grouchy.. Maybe feeling hungry or cold or sleepy. Babies his age will sleep up to 20 hours a day, waking up just to feed only.. So nice.. and quiet too.. :D

And Piddles just couldn't wait to get her hands on him. But she won't purposely go and produce another one just to carry lah... haha~
So soft and smelling nice, hmm~
Didn't have time to take pix of Jared though, he's busy walking about in the room..

Mom will be taking care of him in future too, the 2 boys are gonna turn the house upside down soon!
And mom says if you have 2 swirls on the head, means very cheeky & notti! Can't really see from the pix full of hair but they're there! :D

Piddles now then regret not starting the blog much earlier, when Jared's borned. But she's not really savvy into those stuff.. And too lazy to do so too.. But better late than never! *Self comforting**

And her blog is already 1 year old! Happy birthday to Piddle's World!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Really running out what to write about sometimes.. every week is always very routine now.. so dun be surprise if I dun update so often.. heh.. but then maybe you won't check my blog so often liao.. sigh..

Have been using my iphone to take pictures lately as I don't carry the cammie so often nowadays. Not too blur right? Piddles has an eye for good angles! Ho ho ho~

Jared really enjoys going out for walks, look at people and cars etc.. Maybe he cooped up at home whole day, needs a breather.. But isn't he a tact too young to know about boredom & stuff? How I wish I can stay at home whole day though.. -_-

Anyway, last saturday we felt comfortable enough to leave maid & boy at home, while we went out for dinner nearby. Went back to bedok south where I stayed during my younger days.. to queue up for my childhood comfort food, fishball mee pok at the hawker centre. Still as crowded as ever.

I had to have the upsize order, more fishballs... And just look at the chilli... ooohhhh, mouthwatering!!! :P

And not forgetting the ice cheng-tng also. And they got sweet potato & even ah tat chee inside! Loves~

Went to city square shopping centre for dinner & window shopping on sunday. There's a performance going on, and we put Jared boy on Roy's shoulders for a better view.

Guess the boy is not used to it sitting there.. and he'd rather played & messed up daddy's hair than watching the performance.. =_=

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This is a really old photo, dated back to 1948. They're my maternal grandparents and first 4 uncles. The rest of the 7 siblings were still on the way. I've never seen my grandpa before, he passed away in the early 60s i think. And my beloved granny, whom joined grandpa in heaven in Nov 09. I missed her so much. :(

So anyway, my uncles came over to catch up with my mom today, and she showed me this portrait when I reached home from work.
All along, my mom knows that her father & grandfather were from China, in a dialect group called "Liao Li". Little did she know, that her grandfather was actually a Korean, who went to China and became a magistrate in the palace. And he married her grandmother, a native from Shandong.
So that made Piddles' grandpa had 1/2, her mom 1/4 and her 1/8 of korean blood in them. Did she get her equations right?? Thanks to smarty Yong.. :)
A little known fact on Piddles' ancestors.. :P

Monday, January 18, 2010

Have not been doing any updates due busy taking care of Jared for the past week. He developed some rashes after 3 days of fever, and it's quite serious from the picture of his tummy. Cos he is so fair, that Piddles can see all the angry red dots all over his forehead and body, and she's so worried for him. Luckily it cleared away after another 2 days. It's been a tiring week all and all for Piddles and mom.

And she managed to take a clip of him rolling on the floor and crying for mommy. It's a little dark though..

And he looked just so poor thing, uncomfy and unable to express himself, that you can't help but to craddle him in your arms and gives him lotsa love.

Anyway, he doesn't really drink that much milk due to sore throat last week. But Piddles still stocked up on the supply since there's offer at the supermarket. She's behaving like a kiasu parent now. :P
The tins are really heavy and these can only last for less than 2 months! $_$

Anyway, the cheeky boy is back to his usual self on sunday, and of cos refusing to sleep during naptime. =_=

After gym class, went TM for a while. And daddy brought Jared to yamaha music school to take a look at guitars while Piddles run some errands. The boy as usual, decided to explore the place a bit touching and pressing at anything he can get his hands on.

Maybe can uncover any hidden musical talents in him. He seems more interested in the buttons instead. Or anything with holes in it. -_-

Monday, January 11, 2010

Piddles is tired.. -_-

Piddles just realised that when your kid is sick, its can be one of the worst experiences ever encountered. She always hear her cols with kids say its very "kang khor", and she just listen with a understanding nod, until Jared boy fell sick...

So far, since he's borned in Jul'08, he only had a slight fever due to injection and nothing else.. So when mom noticed he's running a temperature on Sat morn at 3am, all hell broke loose.

During the daytime, his temperature's slightly above normal, but at night can shoot up skyrocket, hovering around 38-39degrees, nearing the danger zone of 40. We have to keep vigil at night cos he keeps waking up crying and constantly sponging him with wet towel. Man, really really tiring..

So far, he is the most manja, most cranky, most whiny baby she ever encounter in her life! (To her at least). A simple feeding of water have to be forced, let alone all the medicines.

When he sleeps, must be absolutely quiet & silence. A simple push of the chair or a slight cough will set him bawling his eyes out..

He wants to go out ALL THE TIME! So when we wanna shut him up, will bring him out for a walk. I guess he's bored cooped up at home.

When he started his whining, and we let him sit, he will slid down to the floor like a deflated balloon.

So Piddles & Roy took leave today to bring him to the doc for a followup check and she is now at home posting this short blog while Jared boy is asleep, quietly. Just praying real hard tonight his temperature don't go up again.. =_=

Looking so glum with a cool patch.

Get Well soon, ok Jared boy? If not Piddles will Get Crazy soon.. :P

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Long weekend last week, just whizzed by so fast. Went to Danny's place for a gathering with makan gang, and with Roy, Jared boy & maid in tow. Cos I wanna eat & catch up in peace, haha!

Its a potluck affair so everybody bought something. Lotsa food & booze!

Piddles & Hoops. Yoyo & Uncle T went downstairs to get ice. :P

Hoops wanna carry Jared but the boy has other ideas.. Walking & exploring the whole house instead.

Ok, now got a group shot of Hoops, Yoyo & Piddles & Noname & kids. Haha!

Jared's stinky cat also enjoying the festive mood, hee...~
On sunday, didn't go out cos was kinda tired from party so just laze at home.
Took a side profile of J boy, his chin protuding out. Looks like implant right? Haha!
What's that creature looming in the background?? O_o

Its only Jared hiding behind the sofa & watching the commercials. ('',)

And he can wolf down a lot of strawberries, even though some were quite sourish! He can't complain anyway, haha!

Anyway, with the rest of the berries & mangoes & vegetables, mom decided to whip up a fruit salad for dinner.

Together with stacks of tuna sandwiches.

Followby 2 sunny side ups & coleslaw. Not exactly healthy, not exactly unhealthy either. Hmm..

Sunday, January 03, 2010

A gift

Simple yet sweet & meaningful.
Just nice for my hair. :)
Thank you, muaks!

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Decided to take photos of Jared at home to make passport for him. Trying to make the boy stand still in front of the camera is virtually impossible, so we had to place the tripod stand smacked infront of the TV with the commercials on. And must be commercials only, other progs he's not interested.
Took close to 20 shots mann.. Arghh!!

Some snap shots at first. Took a bath for him, powder on his face and hair combed neatly, heh..

Finally managed to take one relatively clear shot but his eyes were on the tv. That'll do lah.. :P

Yeah, his very first passport! Time to plan for a trip, soon!
After collection of pp at lavender, we walked over to crawford lane to get our cravings of bak cho mee. Had to queue 1/2 hour for that!! Poor Jared boy is all hot, sweaty & cranky.

But it was all worth it after seeing the bowl full of ingredients, mee swimming in the chilli oil & vinegar. Loves!

Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!

Meet up with sis & broinlaw for dinner & they suggested Bistro at Changi. Supposed to be quiet & nice by the beach ended up full of people, bbq, tents and cars! OMG. We must remember never to go there specially on a public holiday. =_=

Broinlaw running after Jared boy, who's picking up on his walking & now running. Headache!

Oh, cos he saw a cat drinking.

And this boy finds everything interesting and wanted to go and poke at it.

Even at the water feature too. He's a very busy boy going around touching everything. Making broinlaw busy too, preventing him from dirtying his hands. :P

Took a group shot. As usual, Jared boy is not cooperative & prefers digging his ear instead. -_-
Hey, he & me have the same cheek, don't ya think so? :D

Stessed my maid to take a family shot. Not super clear but i guess that'll do. :)

Hi guys & gals,

Can't believe another year has gone by so quickly! Life has definitely changed for me & Roy since Jared's arrival & we have survived at being parents, for now. Haha! Even though many times we still bickered at who's turn to clear his poop or make him sleep at nightime etc but eventually, we both got the job done. And so far, Roy has been very tolerant & patient towards me, mainly bcos I've bore him a son & its hard work, haha! Nah, he just gives in to me, all the time. Kudos to him for that! And also to my folks, sis & broinlaw who always give our Jared boy lots & lots of love. They are also like parents to Jared too. He is one lucky boy mann.
Anyway, hope this year will be smooth sailing for all of us, good health & lots of LUCK & whoever's following my blog here, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!

Lots of Love,
Piddles, Roy & Jared Boy