Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Celebrations

Had a small gathering at my place on christmas day. Since I can't cook for nuts (and also lazy!), I asked everybody to bring in some food, more like a potluck party.

Nothing much to do besides waiting for guests to arrive so took some silly pictures instead. Squashing up J's face, haha!


Yeah, yee & Dennis have arrived! Wow, the present's almost as big as J!

J's stinky bears. I've gotten 3 of them, in case dirty or lost or simply too smelly.. etc..
$35 from mothercare, blood expensive.

J knows his stuff. He rather play with yee's iphone when she's here and ignoring ours even when we offered in front of him.

We have a lot of big colourful toys for J in the house. This boy like big toys, easier for us cos hard to miss them.
This was from Dennis, on J's 1st birthday. He's still pushing the cart around at home, with the music on and noisy wheels.. It's really a ruckus sometimes..

So Piddles has to get something of a equivalent size, a leapfrog learn & groove musical table.

Then this year, Dennis got another big one for J on his bd. I'm really blissfully happy that Dennis & my sis dote on J so much.

Cousin Sarah and family arrived next. She got some books for J, sweet of her to share.

This boy is really not sporting, refusing to put on the santa's hat. =_=

J's xmas prezzie is a Hummer and it's humongous! It's actually for 6 years & above but Dennis insisted on getting for J. TIme to bring J somewhere spacious for him & his Hummer!

Started making popiahs for the hungry lot first..

My masterpieces.

But the popular ones were the kueh pie tees. I can stuff the whole thing into my mouth! :O

Hoops came with Dave, Verlyn & Vyan. I don't have to worry about the kids, they know exactly where the toys were! :D

Bro and family. Everybody's in shorts & bermudas, only Cyan's in tights. Show some legs boy!

My darling Lauren has arrived! So glad that she actually stretched out her chubby arms for me.. *wink**

Carmen with Lauren & me. Isn't her pokka dot dress cute? Ya, I got it for her. *wink again**

Sarah helping herself with the food on the table with a cheeky grin.

Hoops brought sushi, which was also a hit.

Bro bought beef from carlton hotel, a whole 2 kg. It's surprisingly tender.. I think it's not cheap..

Verlyn really takes care of Vyan, good jie jie!

Lauren's first attempt at the swing, she looked so small in it!

It'll be fun to see her sit or stand on her own soon.. Can't wait..

Attempting to gather the kids for a group photo..

Failed miserably.. Most of them don't give a hoot! =_=
Doesn't matter, as long as all the kids are in it!

Hoops is soooo sweet! She actually prepared prezzies for all the kids!
Me too of course, I'm the host..

After that, J joined V&V for a while.. I'm relieved that they're enjoying themselves..

Lauren's the youngest there, so she tends to fall asleep easily. Not too bad, still can doze off at my place.. means my place is baby friendly.

Big foot's coming, watch out!

Tay family.

Chung family. Can't get J cos he's so busy with his fishing rod.

BFF family.

Loo family.

Adult & baby shoes..

Vyan giving Dave a kiss, he loves his daddy!

J & Lauren both have something in their mouths, lol..

I got a sand mover or something for JZ. He loves bulldozer and stuff..

Sarah told us her wishlist so we got her these Geronimo Stilton series.. The author's borned in New Mouse City, Mouse Island, that's why the book's main character is a mouse! Apparently it's very popular among the young kids.

Lauren loves my prezzie! How I know? Cos she chews at it! :D

I gotten a small christmas tree, searched high & low for the ideal size. Seemed that all the gifts overwhelmed my little tree...

All the cute goodie bags.

Hoops got 2 prezzies for J, handwritten by Verlyn. So cute!

2 prezzies from Carmen too.

Audio CDs & book for J.


I got a coach wristlet, just nice to replace the old tattered one that I have now.

I make Roy read to J every night before bedtime, one story a night. Helps to improve his reading too (I mean Roy, haha!)

One of the prezzies was this penguin old school toy, we used to have one when we were young.. J's fascinated by it and forgot our iphones for a while..

Roy likes to play along with him, with expressive "sounds".. The boy just follow suit..
But it's super noisy and J will switch on the toy everyday. Driving me crazy, Arghhh!!!

Roy finishing the last few packs of the yummy japanese noodles we got from osaka. J loves them and will poke his head straight into the bowl and look and look.. swinging his booty..

Cannot let him eat too much though.. so little hair liao..