Friday, November 06, 2009


Sorry have not been updating on Jared cos didn't really take much pictures recently. Simply too busy and also lazy. Ha.. Here're a few random ones..

Now that he's able to walk on his own, he will just grab anything in his path.
Messing up Roy's reference book. Maybe attempting to learn how to make money at a young age.. Then me & Roy can retire earlier.. haha!

Gave Jared boy a peck on the way to cousin's baby boy's full month party.

Here's little David. I think all newborns look similar.. Kinda tanned/pinkish and always sleeping. :)
Looking smug while attempting to climb the metal pole of the sarong stand.
Always looking innocent and we always fall for it.. All the time.. =_=
On hot days, sometimes we let him run around half-naked.. since he's sweating buckets. Full of energy with messy & wet hair! No point changing clothes, will just pile up on laundry. :P Save water!

Holding on the Ah Ma's LV. Brand savvy eh?!! :D

Afterwhich he threw one side and proceed to the next toy.

His small little finger trying to turn the wheel, so cute.

Got tired and sat down, with his tummy protuding out, haha..

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