Monday, November 23, 2009

Everyday after work, we'll zoom down to my folks' place for dinner and take over Jared. His eyes will lit up upon seeing us and smile at us with a goofy grin. Then he'll stretch out his tiny hands and demanded we bring him out for a stroll.

Walking around the neighbourhood. Hmm, his hair still looks so fine & little. Feel like shaving all off but i know my mom will just scream at me.. =_=

Thinking of bringing him for a trip soon but just dreaded the scenerio of him jumping up & down in the aircraft ley.. Maybe tryout a road trip first?

Another place which he's excited about, always wanna walk by himself at My Gym. Roy & I will take turns to accompany him inside, it's really more tedious for the parents while he's enjoying himself. ('',)

Wearing his nice stripe & patchwork shorts, a gift from my buddy Shimei. :)

Just have to hold him by the hand cos if not, he'll get so excited that he walk so fast he'll just trip & fall.

He really has a thing for this little bridge, will walk on it over & over & over.... Until Piddles is dizzy.. @_@

Jared with his friend Kaien. All the parents will move back while the todds play along & interact with one another.

He is most quiet when sleeping & while watching commercials.. Heh..
Brought him over the Ye ye's place last sunday. Kinda bored so let him play with bubbles along the corridor.

All kids love bubbles, Piddles too.. :P

He can just walk up & down the corridor non stop. Piddles just cannot keep up with his endless energy. Phew..!
We pulled over at Yishun 10 to pick up my folks who're shopping nearby. As usual, Jared got restless & insisted on sitting behind the wheel. =_=

Perhaps a future racer in the making? Piddles is daydreaming again.. :D
ps: I got comments I posted too few pictures of Beijing trip in FB, what about those funny shots? Well, pictures in FB have to be moderated, haha! So no choice, I guess have to work harder a bit for my blog. Waiting for the rest of the pics from the rest, then I'll do a long post alright? Please be patient, my darlings.

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