Thursday, October 29, 2009

This is the last post of the trip, sorry Piddles took so long to load cos she's been busy and also her folks are back to stay with her, so that she & Roy can see Jared boy day & night liao.
This is a long post, Piddles felt accomplished! Enjoy!

*Day 5 & onwards*

At the subway station and saw this map, they actually put dummy buses on it. So cute.

Roy playing Phoenix Wright on DS.

What does the above reminds you of? Heh.. Its actually their treasury building. :P

At Asakusa, Senso-ji Temple. It's tokyo's oldest temple built in the 7th century and very popular amongst the locals & tourists.
The Japanese kids taking picture with the famous giant red lantern at the Hozomon gate.
Piddles is curious & bend down to see what's beneath the lantern & she found a wood carving of a dragon at the base.
Taking the express train to Nikko. Next time can bring Nicole to Nikko! Heh!
Piddles on the train!
Afterwhich they change to one of their local train at a railway station.

Wooden fences & lotsa greenery.

At Nikko train station.
It's a small town in the mountains.

No wonder Piddles ears are blocked! O_o

Really very very nice there.

The scared bridge at the entrance to Nikko's shrines is sadly not open to the public so they just have to take a picture with it. :P
Temples set in a beautiful forest.

It's said that if a couple holding hands and walk through the circle in a figure of 8, they will have blissful happiness. So Roy quickly hold Piddles hand tightly and walked into the circle, twist and turn until she's dizzy.. O_0

Wish boards from the devotees.

At Toshogu shrine where they are famous for their wood carvings & large amounts of gold leaf decorations.
Where everybody flocked to see the monkeys.
For the children: Hear no evil, say no evil, see no evil.

Now, where's the cat??

There he is! The cat symbolizes the feudal warriors and sleep symbolizes peace.

And Roy got this charm for Piddles. So cute!

The clouds look just close enough to reach out to touch them..

Maple leaves turning red in autumn.

On the way back to tokyo, took us about 3 hours. Zzzz~

"When in Rome do as the Romans do"
So when Piddles they are in Tokyo, they also kwai kwai follow what the locals do. No using of handphones in the train. :)

This had got to be one of the emptiest train Piddles ever taken in Japan. She can run amok in the cabins!

Feeling terribly hungry and cold and settling down a food stall in the station.

All standing & trying to fix into the picture.

Eating a hot bowl of soba on a cold wet night is pure Heaven!

Went to Tokyo station for shopping. A lot of office workers buying to go bento sets during lunchtime.
Yeah, Piddles finally found domo-kun for OB!

Coffee break again. Settling down to her favourite creme brulee while Roy's having a swissroll with red beans.

Piddles insisted on having her own sundae and refused to share with Roy. Hee..
But she felt really full after that though.. :P

Piddles normally don't like to eat plain rice but theirs are simply nice! This is the best combination.
Walked into their back alleys filled with shops & pet shop too. No space is wasted.

She just loves the shiba inu puppies, aren't they adorable?

Piddles don't have to worry about not bringing tissue paper for the trip cos she can collect plenty of freebies when on the streets. :D

They have those healthy & beauty stores just like our Watsons & Guardian except a walk into one of them is a spoil for choices. Their varieties are huge!

Piddles finally get to eat their tempura, equally nice as well.

Coffee break after shopping at the factory outlet, with the obasans (housewives) with shopping bags in the background.

Piddles is simply nuts over doughnuts. :)

In their culture, majority of the husbands are out to work to support the family while the wives stay at home to manage the household & taking care of the kids. You can see lotsa mothers bringing their kids out with strollers & shopping bags in tow.

Roy & our buys.

Piddles got a bag & sling bag for Roy from Agnes b & Coach for mom. It's cheaper!

This reminds Piddles of those paperdolls she used to play when she was around 7 years old. :D

Varieties of sauces & seasoning at the ramen store. Piddles only added the pepper, hee..~

She cannot imagine eating ramen & facing the wall all by herself mann..

This is their house specialty for the season.

She just loves their gyozas, similar to our fried dumplings.

As usual, anything popular will result in long long queues. Can't even tabao back to hotel. :(

Colourful lights at their red light district in Shinjuku.

Even their road barriers are cute. :P
Roadside food stall selling ramen, the clean type. Heh heh..
Piddles knows of one person who would LOVE to drink from these bottles. Hiak hiak!
There's no glass between the beautiful array of displays & public but the Japanese are honest enough not to steal them.
They're actually made of candles! Looks yummy enough to eat!

What book is Piddles looking at?

How to make the cutesttttt bento set! Awwwww~

Queuing up at the cake shop.
We always have this traditional of buying cakes back to the hotel to eat on the last night of trip. Just to celebrate. :D
Packing up for the home trip, and a box of foodstuff too.
After nice long hot shower, Piddles & company settled down for the night & had supper.

Yummylicious cakes!

She's very good with self-taken shots nowadays, managed to squeeze all 3 of them in. Hee..~

Hoops & Yoyo are sad to leave tokyo too~~ :'(
At narita airport before takeout. Their chickadees waving goodbyes to Piddles & company. Till we meet again~!

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