Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Sat, 03 Oct 09
Lily invited Piddles & family to her house during Hari Raya month. She loves visiting cos got lotsa goodies & food to wallop. Even Jared is enjoying the delicious longtong too.. *drool*

Ben's back from Beijing for holidays & can't resist carrying Jared, coaxing him to look at Piddles. Trying to take clear shots of the 2 boys but Gilbert blink though... Piddles should get the anti blink cammie.. *think*

Here ya go! Little Gilbert has such big round eyes! Super cute!

Here's daddy pidds with him.
He's getting a little cranky after all getting passed around for the uncles & aunties to carry & feeling a tad too hot, so we retreated to one of the rooms where it's cooler with the fan turned on. Of course must take the chance for some foto taking again.. hiak hiak!

Jared looks like Piddles, donch ya think? Same round face!

All in stripes again, did ya notice?

He's been taking on more solids nowadays but still can't live without his milk. But sometimes, some of it was gone to waste when he drank halfway & decided that play is more interesting than milk. No matter how you try to shaft it down his throat, he'll just refuse the swallow. The little bugger! Milk powder very expensive ley!
But Piddles is pleasantly happy that day cos he happens to be in a good mood & holding on to his bottle & finished all the milk. :)
It's mid autumn festival that day so initially Piddles wanted to bring him downstairs in the evening to mingle with other kids but it chose to rain! So she just let him carry his little lantern in the house in dim lighting.. That should do the trick.

Jared trotting along with his musical lantern, kinda noisy though.. ('',)
Sat, 03Oct 09, around 9pm

Daddy Pidds is so sweet, allowing Piddles to go catch up with her makan gang again that night. Met up at Chinatown for claypot rice & dessert. But she is looking forward more to mj session after that. Baaa~

Traditional group photo after that. For the first time, Piddles managed to capture Yoyo & her Uncle T, looking lovey dovey together. Man, she missed her "Pat Tor" days..

Waiting outside Daniel's place for 15 mins! Cos the housekeys with SiangHock & Leng has sent him to go buy pomelo to celebrate. -_-
Yoyo looking cheeky. Maybe should ask Uncle T to pop in her pictures next time too. Haha!

Dear SH really know what the gang like! And also how Piddles likes it, Big & Bitter Sweet!

While the rest tucked in the delicious aromatic durians!

And of course Leng couldn't tahan the smell, so she escaped into the kitchen complaining loudly at SH for buying them, while carrying the pomelo in a bowling like position. :P

But no hard feelings eventually and gleefully posed a pix for Piddles.

After that, Piddles they retreated into the room for a game of mj while the rest played "dai di" outside. The place was really noisy but she's surprised the neighbours didn't complain! :P

This was Piddles best 5 tai that night but still lost to SH though. He's the overall winner, irritating!
Hey, didn't captured her last "jiu wan" on the right! =_=

Group shot before retiring for the night.
Piddles thoroughly enjoyed that saturday tremendously, till the next time when boss SH is back from Shanghai!

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