Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Weekends feel pretty short to me nowadays, specially with a kid in tow. By the time you washed, fed, dressed him up, packed the bb stuff to go out for lunch & marketing, half a day's gone. Well, we just went to ikea nearby for the meatballs.

Maybe should have a nice kid's room for him, except that all our rooms are filled with stuff.

He seems contented & at ease despite the crowds.

I don't think i'm those parents who will spend the $$ to get so many props to keep their babies occupied. Just bring him to ikea since its so near our place, hahah! So cheapo hor? :P

After which we went giants to do the weekly groceries. Damn trolley is full of static! No wonder Jared's looking grumpy!

I find that he's similar to me in some ways.. I also have this habit whereby i like to cover my head with my stinky to fall asleep, yummy~

It's very fascinating when you found out that he's imitating some of your actions. Like we always do this clicking sound with our tongue, he knows how to do it too!

Sometimes we do behave like clowns or jesters, just to catch their attention. Here you can hear me trying to sneeze, and he just finds it so amusing. Dunno what's so tickling..?? +_+

Not sure if you noticed a tiny black clip on his head, my mom's the culprit. Think she's either is too bored, or feels that his fringe is too long, or just wants another grandkid.. -_-

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