Thursday, June 18, 2009

I've always been lazy about exercise, more so after having Jared cos not much free time to do anything else besides caring for him really. After much coaxing from Lily, we took up yoga during lunchtime on thursdays.

Waiting for the class to start.. Can you imagine my body is really as stiff as rusty nails? Haha!

Needed the company to boast my motivation to continue the yoga. Leng really tickles me a lot during the class, hiak hiak!

Jared is recovering gradually, thank god! Anyway, my mom says sometimes occasional fevers are good for babies cos it'll make their bones stretch & grow. Those who never have had fevers before will grow up short fellas, don't know how true?? ('',)

What is he looking so intently at??

At the neighbour's 2 dogs, who's barking incessantly cos i keep calling & disturbing them..
Heh heh..

Jared enjoying a good massage from adoring Dennis, good life huh.. :)

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