Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sigh, something's wrong with the uploading of images in blogspot. Prompt says adding of images are successful but my pictures are not coming out! Will try to figure out what happen in the help centre.. Sorry to keep you waiting.. :(

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

On rare occasions Jared will sleep till 9 something in the mornings & we'll be up doing our own stuff first.

Took a closeup shot of his eyelashes.. Its like even longer than mine lor! Irritating.. -_-

As you know Jared loves to go out so sometimes i have to think where to bring him or how to keep him occupied.. So last sun, we brought him for a trial at a toddlers gym at marine parade. No shoes allowed in the playground & only 1 parent can enter at one time to prevent congestion. I just let Jared crawl all around..

I was wondering why most of the dads are accompanying the babies cos it can get quite tiring for the moms! Cos you'll have to carry your kids to tumble & do somersaults! But Jared seems to enjoy it.

For more actions on Jared at the gym, please see from here..

Here's Jared waving at mommy!

K.O on the ride home.. :)
Overall, its quite a good experience for him but i think it'll be better if he learns how to walk first.. Hopefully in another few months time!

Went Yishun in the evening to visit Grandpa and cousin Sarah. She's 6 this year & is really a chatterbox. Full of questions & you can't answer all of them in time.. Any resemblances?
I found this pix very familiar so i went to dig previous archives & saw one which i took of Roy & Jared last august when he's just a month old! Now he's already 11 mths.. a tiny little thing compare to the little monster now.. heh..

We went Chinatown Yum Cha restaurant for dim sum on monday. Jared banging on the table, demanding to be fed. -_-

Another clip of him making noise when Roy cannot feed him fast enough, and more banging of table.. What a impatient boy!
The angmo girl behind us keep glancing back at us, cos we were so noisy.. haha!

Weather's pretty good that day, and so were our moods. :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My folks went to ipoh to attend a relatives' wedding over the weekend so we're on our own. Took monday off too, cos need to run some errands. Short post first, on pixs taken on saturday. When i have the time, will load the rest.. Need to think of what to write too.. :)

Went to a col's son's full month celebration in marine parade. Jared is most happy when he's out of the house.. ('',)

ps: Sis noticed that his long fringe is cropped, so observant! Yeah, mom just snipped a bit off to prevent the hair from touching his eyes. Looks kinda nerdy but hey, he's too young to complain!

At the party clubhouse. I'm surprised he let Weiqi carry him, he's normally quite choosy, haha! He loves to play peekaboo..

Here's Daniel Wee's baby boy, Aidan. Managed to take a shot with his eyes open, for a short moment. Hee..

Here's Lily with him. Getting cranky again..

Alan carrying him & walking around. That's one way to keep him quiet.. Heh..

Daniel on the left, Aidan's daddy.
Everybody had a go at carrying Jared but i think he's most comfy with Nicole "jie jie". Ha!

I just love new babies! They smell so good, so light, fragile & dun struggle. I'm looking forward to my niece or nephew next feb. :)

Wish i can take the balloon, its not cheap noe..

We are green supporters! :)

Jared's appetite is back, and my mom instructed me to cook porridge for him. I put lean pork, fish, red dates, pumpkin, wolfberry & one chinese herb which i cun remember the name, into the slow cooker before we went out. And its ready to eat when we returned, so convenient!

Jared checking out his new toy, i like those that can produce lotsa sounds. He just likes to turn over to see where the sounds come from..

Totally knocked out.. :P
All in a day's work.. Zzzz~

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I've always been lazy about exercise, more so after having Jared cos not much free time to do anything else besides caring for him really. After much coaxing from Lily, we took up yoga during lunchtime on thursdays.

Waiting for the class to start.. Can you imagine my body is really as stiff as rusty nails? Haha!

Needed the company to boast my motivation to continue the yoga. Leng really tickles me a lot during the class, hiak hiak!

Jared is recovering gradually, thank god! Anyway, my mom says sometimes occasional fevers are good for babies cos it'll make their bones stretch & grow. Those who never have had fevers before will grow up short fellas, don't know how true?? ('',)

What is he looking so intently at??

At the neighbour's 2 dogs, who's barking incessantly cos i keep calling & disturbing them..
Heh heh..

Jared enjoying a good massage from adoring Dennis, good life huh.. :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Despite after 1 miserable week, I'm still not well yet.. And so is Jared.. Fed up! I feel so lousy, and so must be my poor boy.. Sigh..

He used to be so chubby & good to hug & you can see the layers of flesh on his thighs & arms but now, he's grown thinner! Can't see the fatty line on his arm! Can't eat or drink well, cos his nose is stuck & having a hard time breathing.. Poor Jared boy~ poor Piddles~

So I went to google on how to comfort a sick baby, and some suggested getting a cool mist humidifier in the room your baby sleeps in. Cos dry air irritates nasal passages and makes congestion worse. It can also aggravate a cough. So a humidifier keeps moisture in the air and makes breathing easier. Well, anything to improve Jared's blocked nose! Went transit to get the Osim uMist for the room and we slept for 2 nights in it. Jared keeps grabbing at the mist though... So far so good i guess.. :)

Notice the mucus leaking out of his nose, and his sad face..~~

Still looking sad... ('',)

So anyway, PC show is on at suntec last weekend so we took a trip there to buy some stuff.. Canon is my favourite of all times.

Roy checking out one of the products.

After which we popped over Marina to have ramen at Kyo-Nichi. Its one of my favourites too.

Even though Jared's not in tip-top form, he still zaps around in his mercedes.. And will make an effort to go to Roy for his honey stars, like a crab.. -_-

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Kinda late this week but i've been down with a bad cough. My dad had fever & Roy flu, and poor Jared's got fever too. Thank goodness its under control but he's having a cough now too.. One after another, i find that its difficult to recover this way.. oh well..

Anyway, some pixs last friday.. Edwin gave us some welcoming orchids meant for some guests & we totally look like VIPs right? Except Leng with her 3/4 eaten apple.. -_-

Jac & me

Nicole, OB & Daniel came over to play mj & i just gotta take a pix of him & nic. They both look so cute together!

Jared has a soft spot for women & he doesn't let the guys carry him readily.. However, i shoved him into Daniel's arms so that i can take a pix of them, haha~

Ha, he got a "dong" for me.. *smiling smugly*

Deep in thoughts, figuring out how to get the tic tacs out..

So serious.. *Piddles wishing very hard he'll be as serious in school next time!*

You're reading it sideways, my boy~

This time, we went plaza sin shopping & brought him for a swim along the way.

Curious onlookers who turned away when i lifted up the camera. Jared is like a exhibit.. :P
Better go back to punggol plaza next time!

We tried letting him sit on his own at the back. So far so good but he sure looks grumpy! Haha..

Went dimsum at geylang east on sunday with family, quite a crowd..

Jared keeps lifting up/down the flap, just cannot sit still mann. Arghhh!

He actually held out his arms to let the waitress carry him! Giggling so happily..
He can be a aunty-killer liao.. ('',)

And she served us with extra attention after that.. thanks to Jared boy. Hahahaha!
We always like to over-order and can't finish them & end up packing the rest back. Hee..~

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Roy's ex-col from air force invited us to his son, Rayden's 1 year old birthday. The lady carrying Jared is his mom, the little girl is his sister Rachael. I'm surprised Jared actually let his mom carry him, cos he's normally quite fussy. :)

The birthday boy is on the right, and his mom introduced Jared to the aunties.

While waiting for them to get bring out the bd cake, we went out to the children's poolside. Jared really loves water and can't wait to get his feet in it. Roy's crown of glory compare to Jared's.. When will his hair starts growing?? -_-

Cute little feet~

Arghh, my face is cropped into half! But Jared looks smiley in this pix though.. Oh well~

He can like stand there for ages! But my arms started shaking so better go back to the function room!

Not sure where he stole the rattle from!

"Yawnz, I'm bored! Lemme had a go at Dad's ear!"

So cute! I guess I'll get a small simple one for Jared, just for my family members..

Looks like Jared's asking if he could take a pix with Rayden right? Hee..~

There ya go~

Mom bought a anklet with bells for him so that she can always hear him & he won't do things quietly behind her back.. ('',)