Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hm, I have no motivation to blog lately, don't know why? Cos maybe nothing much interesting is happening to me.. Just the usual routine each week, dropping by parents' place to see Jared after work & bringing him home when the weekend arrives. Maybe my blogging days are numbered! Haha! Anyway, i did managed to remember to take some pictures for you guys.. heh heh..

David drove us out for lunch this afternoon to Joo Chiat to eat teochew porridge. All six of us in his saloon car which is a terrific squeeze but I know OB & Danny are in seventh heaven for that moment. -_- Anyway, lunch was goood!
Want to sit in bigger car next time~ ('',)

Brought Jared to ikea last saturday cos we wanted to get the lightbulb for the nightlight in his room. He seems oblivious to the surroundings entirely, concentrating on chewing his pacificer only.

The only good thing that has happened, on sunday. His 1st successful crawl! Not without using my lappie as bait of course. Heh heh..

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