Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I got lucky, Pearl chioed me for lunchin and she made my favourite omelette!

Waiting in anticipation *drool*
2 bowls in the oven plus garlic bread. One's for Pearl & one's for me! Wheeeee!

Her salad is super nice & addictive. Its really a very very nice lunch~~ *dreamy*


Ok, the crappy weather continues, and Jared is following my foul mood too, not even a slightest smile/smirk in all the pictures! sheesh.. Not such a happy-lookin bb afterall. Heh heh~

Jared in his "mercedes" zooming madly around the house.

He always like to stare into my cammie with this "blank look". -_- Hard to make him smile mann..

Went to esplanade for a stroll & my sis & dennis. Nothing much really.

He's such a difficult sleeper. Will roll from one corner to another without braking, and still continue to sleep on in awkward positions.. Funny boy.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Short post. Weather friggin hot over the weekend, puts me in a foul mood.

Sis ordered a Leapfrog Counting Pal in a shape of a caterpillar for Jared. Quite fun, think i press more times than him though, just to listen to the sounds & music. :P

Nowsdays he's been attempting to stand up, grabbing on to whatever he can get his hands on. Really keeping us on our toes all the time. Cun imagine the day when he can stand on his own, will be the day my undivided attention be entirely on him! -_-

Terrifying little being looming in the background!!!~~~

Blahhhhh!!!! :D
ps: Mom has been mentioning that his nose is getting a little flatter these days. Now i know the reason why!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

More than 200 dancers were performing the version of "Do Re Mi", in the Central Station of Antwerp, Belgium. With just 2 rehearsals they created this amazing stunt!

OB sent me this link, I alsolutely love Sound of Music so thought of sharing it with you here. I envy the angmos sometimes, they know how to enjoy life. :)

This is for you, dardee~

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hm, I have no motivation to blog lately, don't know why? Cos maybe nothing much interesting is happening to me.. Just the usual routine each week, dropping by parents' place to see Jared after work & bringing him home when the weekend arrives. Maybe my blogging days are numbered! Haha! Anyway, i did managed to remember to take some pictures for you guys.. heh heh..

David drove us out for lunch this afternoon to Joo Chiat to eat teochew porridge. All six of us in his saloon car which is a terrific squeeze but I know OB & Danny are in seventh heaven for that moment. -_- Anyway, lunch was goood!
Want to sit in bigger car next time~ ('',)

Brought Jared to ikea last saturday cos we wanted to get the lightbulb for the nightlight in his room. He seems oblivious to the surroundings entirely, concentrating on chewing his pacificer only.

The only good thing that has happened, on sunday. His 1st successful crawl! Not without using my lappie as bait of course. Heh heh..

Monday, April 06, 2009

I need to get a proper babypack cos really too many nitty jitty stuff to bring out. This is a friggin good one with lots of compartments for each necessary item, from Mothercare. Cost roy a bomb though but he say anything for Jared. Wish he can say this to me.. -_-

Mickey Mouse chain from OB, bought in tokyo. Looks good with the pack right? ('',)

In his new PJs, a gift from Leng bought from San Frans last dec. Its for 1 year olds & i told her, "Too big for Jared lah.." She replied confidently,"Dun worry, he will be able to wear in no time, dun need to wait till 1 year old!" And she's right! Never doubt a mother of 2 boys!

A clip of Jared on his fours & twos (ha!), not very stable though. This is for you, Yong. :)

Had dinner with my family at Jumbo Seafood at East Coast last sat, forgot to take pics of the food cos busy with Jared. Waiting for the dessert liao.. Heh..

My brother in the picture at last. He's been away in Chengdu quite often, managing his art gallery & projects. Jared boy, must remember this loaded uncle of yours huh!?!

A feeble attempt to take a family photo by the waitress. Jared just refused to cooperate. Haiz..

Some bonding time together. Bro letting Jared have a taste of the sea coconut drink. And he's making noise if the feeding is delayed. -_- Good thing its not too sweet though, if not sugar rush & i'll have hard time with him at night.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Bangkok Trip

Ok, after settling Jared at mom's place, had a quick dinner (pig's organ soup plus rochor soybean at Geylang), headed home, showered, pumped milk then finally sit down to do some updates. Yawnz.. Pics on Bangkok trip. Really didn't take a lot of pictures cos no sceneries also.. Just a lot of vehicles, people and pollution! At least I can tell people that i've been to BKK ok. -_-

We stayed in Arnoma Hotel, very centralised and most shopping complexes are within walking distance.

Their bathroom is something i have to rave about.. Cos they have a big bathtub! I can stretched out my legs entirely! I just love to have bubblebath cos at home don't have mah..

You know, ever since I had Jared, all the trips after that, we will spend the 1st day catching up on sleep! We checked in at around 3pm, slept until close to 7pm. Heh heh..

Grand Hyatt Erawan (The 4 face Buddha), its just in front of the shopping mall. Our hotel is just a stone throw away too. Pray for good luck, good health & harmony for my family.

Looks like a rip out of the tokyo food mall where there's actually a Japanese food fest in isetan. Bought tidbits & nissin cup noodles in case we get hungry at night.

Their jams are notoriously well-known throughout the world and it continued on at night too.

Their fried chicken fillets are really tasty! And tom yam soup is a must have. But i find their portion is really little, we had 2nd round after that.

While eating your food, you can relax and watch the fishes swimming by.. Interesting.

Tutu car. But im not gonna try to sit in one as i donch want to breathe in all the smoke & dust.

I miss A&W and their corny dog.

I love Etude House! Its originated from Seoul & they're selling really cute comestics & all the girly stuff. Most of the things are in Pink!

Of course this picture is NOT taken by me, for obvious reasons.. -_-

Went to Chatuchak. Weather is super duper HOT! I bet the grapes are warm too.

Walking in the little shops inside felt like in the oven, really a test of your stamina. I feel like having a heat-stroke. @_@

Must have evidence that we've been here. Ok, off to the cool aircon MBK we go!

Going to the cafes is a Must for us. To rest our feet & watch the world go by...

I'd rather check out their bookstores.

They even have a bench for you to sit and browse through their books, nice! I'm one happy Piddles!

A guy playing on the grand piano at the lobby. Next time must check if Jared has any musical talents or not. Learning how to play the piano can sweep the girls off their feet, as least for me!

Their dim sum's coming fast & furious.

This is my favourite, vegetables wrapped in zhu chang fen.

This is my favourite part of the trip. Massage!
Here you can see the therapists washing our feet and getting ready. Feeling so comfortable already~~ And Roy's therapist tapped my leg cos she wants me to shoot her washing too. =_=

Roy had the foot & body massage while i had the foot & shoulder massage cos well, i can't really lie down flat. If not, Jared's food source will be at risk. Haha~

Our merc ride back to airport. Am really looking forward back home, missing my boy already.

Last but not least, a parting picture at the Suvarnabhumi Airport. :)

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Sorry folks! Just back from a break, bought a lot of dvds so these few nights' been catching up on shows that we've missed out, heh heh.. Will upload pixs of my holiday (so so only) this weekend. In the meantime, here's a clip on Jared on how "manja" or in plain english great pretender he is, by faking a cough, just to catch my attention or need my pampering.. ('',)