Sunday, February 08, 2009

Shower Time

Babies do wake up early, don't they? And when they do, they'll demand for your absolute attention.. Zzz.. I'm still barely awake.., well, sometimes.. :P Washing him up nowadays can be quite tedious, cos he can be quite a handful, kicking and sliding up & down the tub. Ha!

Sorry, don't think i'm allowed to show you his little peepee here.. Though it's really very cute, miniature & of course, Completely harmless at this age. Heh..~

Kicking at the towel, feeling amazed..~

He really enjoys his showertime now that he's older. To think when he's just a few weeks old, used to be terrified of shower, will scream & cry & clutch to my mom's sleeves.. Hee..

Fleshy backside, can't resist it. I always gives it a good smack just to firm it up. Hahahhaa!

All washed & dressed up, smelling nice. Now i know why everybody likes to smell babies, coz they smell heavenly!~

My little green monster~ (:


  1. I think he is the cutest baby I have ever seens.. Always smile to myself when I see his pictures.

  2. You shud send Jared's pic to Sunday Times to see if they publish in the Life section. :)

  3. So when you coming to see your little nephew? :)


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