Saturday, February 28, 2009


After the delicious cheng tng that Pearl made for us the other day, this time its teochew porridge! Really exciting to be able to cook something, during lunchtime.Gives me a certain vibe about it.. :P

To speed things up, Pearl placed the salted duck eggs into the rice cooker together to cook with the rice. The sweet potatoes will go in when the porridge is almost done, so that it won't turn too soft..
What a mouthwatering spread!

I managed to squeeze in 4 bowls of the porridge, very full initially but by 4 something in the afternoon, im hungry already.. Ha~

Had lunch with YinFun at crystal jade at T3 cos we both have cravings for the kong bak pao..

Ok, this might look a little gross but i can assure you its one of the yummiest soup i've ever tasted. Double boiled sharkbone soup with chicken meat. I added a lot of pepper lah..

That's the shanghainese kong bak on the left, not very dark in colour but its very very soft!
Hate feeling very full after lunch cos i'll feel sooooo sleepy..~ Zzzz... =_=

Wanted to bring Jared to the botanical garden but the sky really looks gloomy so we headed to T3 instead. As if i've not had enough of the airport already!?!
You know what? Its so bloody crowded! Everybody flocked there to enjoy the spacious environment and of coz, the food. Reminds me of vivocity.. -_-

He's kinda enjoying himself, really~
Almost everyone around me has it...
OB, Yoyo, Shimei, Roy, J&J.. Even my maid has them..
WHY I DONCH HAVE DIMPLES?!? *grumbling..* -_-

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Went ikea to get the baby highchair for Jared.

'Hey, i have my own personalized chair, with a colourful cushion too!'

'Where's my cookie!!'

'Finished! What next??

'Oh well, just have to bite on my star then..' -_-

New hairstyle! While Dennis looks on adoringly.. :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Damn Mozzies!

Dropped by Shimei's place on tuesday night cos my mom helped me to get the mosquito net for JZ. He so poor thing, his head full of angry red marks caused by the mozzies. So tempting, his blood so sweet & young.

JZ has a otherwise flawless complexion if not for the bite marks at the side of his forehead.

Setting up the net at bedtime for him.

Little JZ inside, feeling thrilled and having all the mattress to himself. Looks fun isn't it? Just like when we were young, playing masak masak, build a tent using blankets & lots of pillows inside. Me & my sis can stay inside there all day long.. :)

Me & my other boy, JZ. ('',)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Such a tiny hand.

How long will this little hand hold onto mine? I better cherish this moment, these few years when i know he's totally dependant on me & my family.

There will come a time when he's all grown up & i know he won't need me to hold him anymore, no more mommy's little boy.

But till then, please bear with us and our endless showers of love.

We love you very much, Jared boy.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Going bananas

Bananas are one of my favourite fruits but sadly not many in my office are into them so i don't really buy them cos hard to give out to the rest. Last time still have OB, Danny & Mr Ong to share with.. Baa! I missed them!!!

These are not del montes but look like kid's size. I can finish 3 at one shot, super nice! OB got for me one, hee~

Last minute doing some artwork for Daniel for Siang Hock's farewell booklet. After Yoyo passed up hers, all of us got into a mad rush of decorating ours nicely instead of just a dull piece of paper with some wordings.

Top two are Yoyo's, aren't they pretty? She just spent 1 hour on it only.
Bottom left is mine, blue trademark of Piddles & right is OB's, mahjong trademark.
Sorry didn't take the rest cos i'm not interested, haha!
We had a farewell gathering at Siang Hock's place at marine parade on friday, have uploaded the pixs on FB, take a look here..

He can look serious if he wants to...

Flashing his crooked smile at me again~ ('',)

In the car on the way home from mom's place. Heh, the white logo above his head looks like a halo! Yup, he's my angel! Ha!

Shimei & Jason brought JZ over to my place on sat, cos my pump broke down & she lend me hers. What are buddies for? Love her lots!

Enjoying some brotherly bonding, ha!

Jared blinking away everytime we clap our hands.. Sometimes we just like to disturb him.. heh..

JZ taking away Jared's toy while he looks on but Jason edges Jared on & took it back, haha!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just love having a cuppa at toastbox in the morning, with good company & good discount. Heh~

When you coming to the terminal to have butter toast with me, Yoyo?

Jared pulling & peering under my skirt! *Now,,, where did he learn that from???*

Managed to take a clip of him laughing or rather, screaming away~ Muahahahahahh! :D

Monday, February 16, 2009

Now that Jared is 7 months old, other than introducing him to some solids like cereal & porridge, need to exercise his mobility too. Last sunday we went to Baby Hypermart at kaki bukit near my sis's place to look for a walker. They sell all sorts of baby stuff, really a eye-opener for me.. @_@

Saw this trainer seat (not potty) for babies at the display counter and i just plonked Jared in. His fat legs can hardly managed to squeeze in, heh! He looked at us with a smug expression.. ('',)

There's more to it than just a heap of pillows & blanket. :P

There's my little meatball, all snuggled up nicely & well protected on my sis's bed.. In air-con room somemore! =_=

Had a go at the wheel, trying out his new walker.. He will always have the same kind of expression when he's trying out something new.. Smug look. ('',)

Hands off! This is MINE!! Grrr!!!
On the way home from work last friday. The road ahead is so hazy, even though you can't really see it from the pix.

The happiest time for me is when i knocked off from work & on the way home to see my boy. :)

He literally shove anything he can get his hands on, into his mouth... -_-III

I think he is getting used to me taking pixs all the time that he will just look ahead and even froze a while for me. Heh~

Bought this Happy Safari toy set long time ago when Jared's too young to even know how to focus. Now that he's much older, can get to enjoy the melody & look at the cute toys. He seems to find it amusing. :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Nuts about it

Eating nuts helps your heart. Discover how walnuts, almonds and other nuts help lower your cholesterol when eaten as part of a balanced diet.

I like to snack a lot, so instead of munching too much on chips and stuff i might as well opt for something more healthy. I chose all my favourites, hazelnut, pumpkin seeds, walnut, pistachio & cranberry for some sweetness. Really a nice combination!

I had it nicely packed too, cheaper & healthier choice than chocolate. :)

My col Pearl is so good, she cooked cheng tng for us during lunchtime and we had it for dessert. Thinking of porridge the next time round.. ~drool~

Yoyo sent me some pixs of her NYC trip, looks like she's enjoying herself in the Big Apple. Bloody cold too, i've heard.

A clearer pix.. Not posting more of her, got copyright ok?! ;P
I'm too lazy to post my london pixs here, if you want to take a look i've uploaded them on my facebook. Here's the link

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Drove out for lunch again, this time at the yong tau foo store just next to the claypot rice store, hee~

In the car fiddling with Daniel's iphone and playing a game called burst the bubbles. Must get roy to buy a iphone so that i can play the games!

We managed to park at exactly the same lot when we ate claypot rice on monday! Then we copied down the clinic shop no. to buy 4D but never strike.. -_-

All waiting for OB patiently. Maybe we should take the date & timings to buy 4D instead. :P

At the yong tau foo store while waiting for the food, Nic is playing with Daniel's iphone and blowing into it,haha!~

Mouth-watering spread!

They already digging in & i'm still happily taking pixs.. Wait for me!

On the way back, feeling satisfied and sleepy.. Zzz~

Testing out my self-taken skills again.. Hee.. That's all folks!