Monday, April 29, 2013

April - Week 3

Every week is same 'o same 'o stuff..
Really not much topics to blog about..

Mainly is cos my nephew Cyan came over during the
weekdays as he's going to the same school as J and
I will always have to rush home Everyday to relief my mom
so that she can cook dinner and I keep a lookout in case the kids
fight.. or rather I prevent Cyna from hitting out at J.. -_-

Can't wait for the day when they can move to their new place
at Loyang and my nightmare will be over! Sheesh..

Thank goodness I've been taking a picture a day for my
project 365 so I can still pinch some pixs from there to talk about..

J has been pestering us to bring him to the airport..
But when we reached there, he still asked us to bring
him to the airport.. Dude, you are in the airport! =_=

I really adore this little nephew of mine & his mop of hair,
also maybe cos we share the same zodiac sign.. and I hope
he doesn't grow up as naughty as his brother.. humph..

J doing his writing.. I remembered last time we only learnt how
to write properly when we were in primary school!
Anyway, teaching him to write really is a huge test on my
patience.. This kid can give all sorts of excuse just to avoid writing!

My babe Carmen joined me for lunch at work the
other day. I'm always happy to see my gals..

Marketing with my family..
My sis & bil donning matching outfits for their biking..
Maybe Roy & I should get something similar
for our running.. Lol..

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Happiness is ...

* when you reached home & you saw your kid at the
doorstep jumping up & down shouting Mummy!...

* seeing his face all lit up like Christmas when you asked if
he would like to go downstairs for a walk...

* seeing him grinning from ear to ear when you allowed
him to go to the playground...

* when he said thank you to me as I helped
him up the ladder...

* when he held my hand tightly & singing loudly
as we walked back home...

I love you, Jared boy!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Exercise Freaks

Nothing close to that actually..
But I thought I'll try to attempt to exercise
at least twice a week..

It's actually not easy to do that as I always have
to rush home after work during the weekdays.
If I wanna go gym in the weekends, I'll
need someone to babysit J for me.. Zzz..

 Couldn't gym that sunday so we brought
J along to go walk/jog/run at Pasir Ris Park..

Weather was quite good that day, that's
why I don't mind the outdoors..

Shagged out.. Zzzz..

Pix of the day..

I also kinda coaxed Lily into gym-ing besides
her usual zumba.. And now she's hooked.. Lol..
Sporting same adidas trekkies but
in different colours..

Her nephew Rifat came along too.. *shy**
Good to sweat it out mann..

Sunday, April 07, 2013

March - Week 4

Ok, last week's activities.. Haa..
 Getting boring huh.. Lol..

Yoyo & Piddles reunited!
Yeah, I met her for brekkie at our fav TB joint.

It was my mummy's birthday last thu so
we got her some cupcakes.
Actually it's more for J cos he loves
twelve cupcakes.. :P

Then we had a family dinner to celebrate for her.
J & Baby Reyd. Look at his mop of hair!

Overdosage of durian desserts.. @_@

Went shopping for some necessities at Ikea.
Training J to carry my bag for me,
must start from young.. hahaha!

Finally J decided to wear the
Spongebob Squarepants shades
that I got for him from Mothercare
like ages ago.. Zzz..

Dennis has been going to his same hairdresser Lynn
at Roxy since he was just 15 years old, and we
brought J along to let her cut too. Maybe next time he
will be her loyal customer too.. Lol..

Nice numbers.. :)
It's Yong's birthday last sunday so we met her up
for a while at Swensens for ice-cream. Most importantly,
there's free sundae for the bd gal that day. Hahaha!

It's a short work week cos of Good Friday holiday.
Gotten cute Easter chocolate for the Hans.. Lol..