Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Some updates

Actually a lot more stuff to update since I last blogged that J's sick. Actually he recovered relatively fast, compared to the previous round. Me took couple of days last week as my folks were away, to babysit J. Ended up I fell sick with a fever up to 39.5 degrees.. More posts on the way, hopefully.. *cough** 

Cyan came over on a friday to play with J. I rented this kitchen set for J as I saw him playing with the one at Ikea.

Luckily I only rented this for a month, don't think I want a bulky toy in my house..  

But the kids seemed to enjoy playing made believe stuff.. And I made them serve us chicken or apple blah blah..

J always show the peace sign when I say cheese and cover his face.. -_- 

Everytime when me or my family reached home, the kids will always come running to the door to see who is it. Or even when the neighbours pass by.. It's cute..

Cyan's hair is so long that he really looks like a girl from behind. Can't understand why the folks don't bother to cut it for him. So ugly.. ('',)

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