Monday, June 25, 2012

Different views

Looking everywhere except into my lens..

In the room.. 

At the aqaurium.

 At sunday class..
 Watching Mickey..

Arranging the utensils..

Saturday, June 23, 2012

High tea at Shangri-La Rose Veranda

Yong has been quite busy with work and home affairs ever since she's back but she still managed to make a wee bit of time for me on monday, for my belated birthday treat.. :)

Previously I brought her to this place at 10 Scotts at Grand Hyatt so she asked me to suggest the place again so I decided to settle for Shangri La hotel in Orchard, have not been there since my wedding some 8 years ago. @_@ 

And I'm glad we did come here..

Nestled seclusively within orchard road, where presidents of the United States used to stay previously and still is, for the current President Mr Obama.
She's still looking like a grand old dame with her high ceilings and chandeliers, really have a lovely authentic feel to it.

I was most impressed with their exquisite cutlery with tulip motifs.
They may not be in their best condition, with some tiny chips but that's
what I love about them, the vintage look.. 

I am a small eater so I chose to select one piece of each item. And if it's nice I will refill again.. :)
They have quite a good selection of savouries, dim sum, light bites and even vegetarian meat..

I think they have over 101 varieties of tea available to choose from but my personally favorite is still the English Breakfast tea, also the english breakfast set, english high tea.. just anything english.. :P

I sounded to the server that Yong's a vegetarian, so she got the chef to specially prepare some vegetarian finger food for us, at no extra cost. How very thoughtful!

And around every hour, they will bring around a tray full of hot tea or sorbet asking the guests to try out, on the house.. :)

I love their old style decor, full of rich history. Makes me feel like back in the eighties.. Hope they don't go and upgrade or something, keep the vintage feel please?!

Yong & bb lying back and relaxing, basking in the warm sunshine & looking out into the greenery below.. If you're feeling the heat, feel free to draw the shades..

Patting her bump.. He has been kicking nonstop..('',)

Last to try was of course their dessert. The carrot cake, raspberry & chocolate mousse tasted the best among those that we took..
We were lazing back on the sofa and taking our time to chit-chat and refilling on our favorites.
What a great relaxing afternoon!

I find that red roses still make the best flower arrangements just because of her brilliant red.

Yong mentioned that she's kinda sensitive about people touching her belly, so I guess I must be one of the privilege few to be able to rub it.. Mama dragon rubbing baby dragon ok?! Lol..

I've been to quite a number of high teas but my personally favourite has to be Cafe L'Espresso at Goodwood Park Hotel simply because of her ambiance, I love anything with a rich history. Food to me is secondary but I must say they catered more to ladies as most of the food comes in light bites so it's not too filling. I will definitely go there again, one day..

Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer class

School's out and holidays are in during June. How to keep the little bugger occupied? For the record, he already felt sick during the first week of the holidays.. Sheesh..

So anyway, we signed him up for some classes at Hess during the weekdays.. Also chinese lessons but not sure if he understands or not.. -_-III

Singing some mandarin songs which they've learnt over the past few days..  

Just hard to make them stay still even for a picture..  

These two siblings are German, and they can speak english as well as mandarin! @_@

I'm happy that he lasted a week of mandarin class! 

Teacher Lara also came to show her support for the kids.. J loves her! 

Carmen mentioned that Hi-5 is in town so we rushed over to United Square after class to catch a glimpse of them. 

The queue to sit in the arena was sooooo long so we went up to 2nd level to have a good view but J was screaming & hopping away, insisting on going downstairs.. Really feel like pulling my hair out.. So I had to carry him and joined the queue and ended up sitting right at the back.. Not that he's complaining, as long as we're inside, he's happy.. Arghh!

There're really a lot of plays & programmes for the kids during the school hols but too bad I can't afford to take too many days for him, and Roy has started work too.. We don't have all these when we were young too, kids nowadays are so fortunate..

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Some updates

Actually a lot more stuff to update since I last blogged that J's sick. Actually he recovered relatively fast, compared to the previous round. Me took couple of days last week as my folks were away, to babysit J. Ended up I fell sick with a fever up to 39.5 degrees.. More posts on the way, hopefully.. *cough** 

Cyan came over on a friday to play with J. I rented this kitchen set for J as I saw him playing with the one at Ikea.

Luckily I only rented this for a month, don't think I want a bulky toy in my house..  

But the kids seemed to enjoy playing made believe stuff.. And I made them serve us chicken or apple blah blah..

J always show the peace sign when I say cheese and cover his face.. -_- 

Everytime when me or my family reached home, the kids will always come running to the door to see who is it. Or even when the neighbours pass by.. It's cute..

Cyan's hair is so long that he really looks like a girl from behind. Can't understand why the folks don't bother to cut it for him. So ugly.. ('',)

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Fever be gone!

In the wee hours on tuesday morning, around 0330hrs J woke granny up saying hot hot.. Granny then came knocking on Piddle's door and asked her to check J's temp.. It's 37.8 degrees.. This is what Piddle's always afraid of.. J being sick.. His last fever was last year around May too.. But he still got occasional cough & cold in between.. But fever is what Piddles always dread about, cos that means constant vigilant at night to monitor his temperature.. Gosh..

She's surprised J allowed Roy to paste the fever patch on his forehead.. Guess he's too groggy to resist liow.. Look at his beady eyes.. Poor J.. When kids are sick, they are tired & limp, really a difference from his usual active noisy self.. He don't even have the mood to play on his slide.. Really heart pain for Piddles, she wishes that she's the one who got the fever.. :(

J puked a couple of times that day, mainly caused by the high temperature, that resulted him refusing to take the fever med.. and also food.. Brought him to the neighbourhood PD and the doc gave him suppository for both fever & anti-vomit up his backside.. Really worked like a charm & he slept through the sleep.. The whole ordeal lasted less than 24hrs, which was a relief for the whole household..

No more fever the next day & J's back to his usual self and that meant nonstop playing on his slide again.. Full of sweat & noise but Piddles is happy & relieved nonetheless.. :)