Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Reference Books for Toddlers

Ya, you heard me right.. I need some help to tame my J... Haiz..

Everybody who saw J's pictures over my blog will think he couldn't possibly be that naughty.. But he is! He is a real terror! He bullies granny and my maid! If he's unhappy or couldn't get things his way, he will throw a huge fit and slide down the floor and scream and shout until his demands were met.

My mum said he is exactly like me when I was young.. I was hard to manage and my mum had to send me to my granny's place cos she couldn't cope.. Like mother like son.. :(

My order arrived! I was soooo happy! *Hugs & Kisses**

I devour the books in hunger, starting with the cover in white, the happiest toddler on the block.. Ya, I was that desperate..
I just wanna find out from the experts, the minds of a 3-5 year old.. Not totally believable but as references of course..

A famous PD, Dr Harvey Karp classified the todds into 3 types.. Easy, Shy & Spirited (Strong-willed)
Not sure which category describes your child? Take this test.. Go to an uncrowded mall, release your child's hand, and pretend to turn your back for 2 seconds. (Keep close watch out of the corner of your eye). What does he do? Stand there? (Easy) Grab your shirt and cry? (Shy) Run away without looking back? (Spirited)

Yup, Jared is under the Spirited category.. He will just rush ahead whenever I released his hand..

Everything about him is more, more, more..
*more active (they run farther, jump higher, and spin longer)
*more impatient (they hate taking turns or waiting)
*more impulsive (they're easily distracted and accident-prone. J has lotsa blue black on his legs)
*more defiant (they run to the curb, look back at you.. then dash out)
*more rigid (they get so upset, they keep crying even after getting what they want)
*more intense (they get very glad, very sad and very mad!)
* more sensitive (their feelings are easily hurt)

Man, Dr Harvey Karp is my idol! I'm gonna continue to read now, I need to know how to deal with J mann.. Sorry if my updates are late! Hahahahhaa...! (laughing hysterically)

I'm a little mad myself liao.. @_@
ps: Any advices from you peeps will be greatly appreciated!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

J at home

J is having a slight cold, might have gotten the bug from school last week so we try not to bring him to crowded places.. Luckily he's quite used to staying at home with plenty of walking space for him to ran around.

This boy actually enjoys walking.. a lot! He's not really like some kids who keep whining at their parents demanding to be carried.. But that would mean we'll have to chase him around, making sure he doesn't get into any accident or sorts.. Equally tiring!

So here's a lot of pictures of him for you.. Nothing much interesting in the house for me to take liao.. except J.. Haha..!

Looking straight into my camera, which he usually doesn't!

Rare shot of him lying down..

Posing like a model with him props of Big Bird & Elmo. Keekee..

Singing twinkle little star song..

This cheeky boy has many expressions..

Looking stunned and grabbing his pants..

Take a break.. Some test shots on my new toy.
Strawberries from south korea. They're surprisingly sweet & juicy!

Hoops, Yoyo & Piddles always by my bedside..

Personal manicurist cutting nails for Prince J.

J will shove everything into his mouth.. *shake head*

You have no idea just how cheeky he is..

He wants to have everything within grasp.. Multi tasking at a young age!
Carmen babe, remember the drum? Heh..

He's such a baby, so big liao still wants his pacifier. But now I will only release it to him during naptime or bedtime.

That's all for now! :D

Monday, March 14, 2011

Boring weekend

Really nothing interesting happening except handling a screaming Jared running up & down the household. Only thing I looked forward to was the IT show cos this time we have things to buy.

Really crowded as usual, and I was just wondering at that point what if an earthquake come and the suntec city building shake and rumble and we'll all be buried with a lot of strangers and smelly black people.

Cut out my imagination please..

ANZ bank staff was distributing free cola and Roy made me go and get a can. He said I'm very good at this. =_=
Standing at the side, taking a cola break with the day's spoils.

We parked our car at millenia walk and we saw 4 lamborghinis parking side by side, yellow one hiding behind. Just had to take a picture of them..
By the way, 2 of them were spotted in the yellow box. Should be owned by some big shots, that's why so daring. Or maybe they're so rich they can afford getting a ticket. Lol..

Pit-stop at killiney for a cuppa.

Test shots of J on my new toy.

Even under natural light, he's still looking fair as tofu. *Envy**
And Piddles has to spend tons on her SKII whitening products.. Sad.

Stinky bear being hang to dry.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Lunch Out

Today both Karim & Jeffrey are treating the whole office to lunch at Gurame. So we made arrangements to bring all of us there.

In the bus, all 26 of us!
The guys looked like they're all in uniforms.. And on their BB or ipad etc.. I can never read in the car or bus, will get motion sickness.. -_-

OB and Jeff deep in conversation. Karim felt left out, haha!

The restaurant is actually facing the sea, what a nice view..
But we all sit inside cos we'll all melt outside!

We had the whole restaurant to ourselves, for a while..

This what I'm here for, their sambal belacan is shiokness! Damn spicy!

My lip gloss stain..

The food was quite good. Beef rendang's one of their specialities.

OB's shirt. Nobody can steal his shirt and wear it.. :P

Lily & me.

All of us had finished except for Shuhui. She ate very daintily unlike us..
Jeff's full as you can see him rubbing his tummy. Hee...

The 2 AVPs who paid for the lunch. Thank you!

My bosses.

OB and me!

Group photo is a must, for remembrance sake.

Another one in the bus.. Hee..

Karim helping us to take some more..

Who wearing Doc Martin for work? :P

Another leg shot, I'm bored..
Who's legs are so pale? A vampire in the bus..

Lily so sweet, managed to tabao belacan back for me. Haaa..

What a good lunch, I'm so sleepy..