Thursday, February 24, 2011

At home

Have you been checking my blog and finds no new updates??
That's cos there's nothing interesting to blog about recently thus the lack of posts.. Haaa..~

But our new neighbour Simon & his family just moved in on our floor and they've kindly invited us to their housewarming party 2 sundays ago.

J is fascinated with the projector screen on the wall when we entered the house..

When the singing started, as usual he'll do his dance on the floor and.. ignoring his folks again.. =_=

Roy chatting with another of our neighbours..
We know almost all our neighbours except for one indian family along the corridor. I hate his 6 or 7yrs old boy, he always shout out loud asking J to keep quiet and I'll shout back, "Aiyah, you shut up lah!". @_@

They have this big cage along the stairs where they kept 3 cats. And not smelly at all, unlike some wet dog smell some dogs have.

This particular cat is quite friendly and he has white paws.. I decided to nickname him Socks.

Getting bored so I brought J downstairs for a walk.. Luckily he didn't run around berserk & still wanted to hold my hand.. Phew!

He's most excited to see Courts & Ikea in the background and kept screaming out loud.. He screams at everything, whether happy or angry or excited. He's a screamer.. Think I've gone a little deaf in the ears..

He loves watching Mister Maker on cable.. It's about this guy using all sorts of stuff and bits for his craftwork.

So lazy don't even want to lift up his head..

And here's a cheeky smile, he is damn mischievous I'm telling you..

At my fil place.. Saw bil put up pictures of J & Sarah.. J's expressions are so funny..!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Must Pray Pray

Accompanied mum to temple near Joo Chiat to pray last sunday.

During the 15 days within chinese new year, the temple will always be very crowded with devotees.

Roy praying earnestly for good health, good luck, good business, happiness and addition to the family. LoL.

A light for the first 6 zodiac animals Rat, Bull, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon & Snake.
You know who you are.. :D

Placing them carefully on the tray in the temple. They can supposedly last throughout the day.

J getting cranky waiting in the shade outside, so humid that day.
Roy gave him 2 big golden chocolate coins and his face lit up instantly.
Easily contented bugger. -_-

He has sweet in his mouth that's why he can sit still in the stroller. If not he would've scream the whole temple down.. Phew!

Jared the Elephant

Everyday after school, J will bring home his works to show to Piddles & Roy.
Normally it's just colouring or paintings on cards & papers.

But this time, it's just an elephant made out of egg tray with J's name on his tail.

J will hold it delicately and raised him up to show me, I'm surprised he didn't crash it. Lol.

Isn't Jared the Elephant cute?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Chinese New Year 2011

Here's a avalanche of pics that I've owed you over cny. But now still cny mah.. haa..
Everybody wants updates on J and also makan gang so I better do it now!

Thu, 03th Feb

Normally 1st day of cny in the morning, we'll greet our parents with 2 mandarin oranges but since last year, this has been tasked to Jared cos he's the youngest in the family.
Good health & good business to Ah Gong!

Kiss from Ah Gong. :D

Of cos not forgetting Roy, if he wants a angpow from him.

J's face is not round liao.. Getting sharper like Roy's, don't you think?

Normally when mum is busy with the housework, J will also be busy with his own stuff like digging out containers and boxes..

He loves to stack the bowls and cups up and I'll make it a point to ask him to keep everything after play too. Really looks like playing our masak masak when we're young last time.

Dennis clearly misses J. He's left for Nepal for training and will be back in March.

Visiting Yeye at Yishun. Sarah is the singer while Jared is the dancer. She's singing a hokkien song by the way. Lol.

Went out for dinner that evening while visiting J's great-granny. Sarah's so sweet, we asked her to lookout for J and she really stuck by his side and chased after him when he ran around.

Fri, 04th Feb

J's soooo happy to wear the Elmo tee from Yeeyee.

Visiting my eldest uncle (mum's brother) at punggol. I think it's a must to carry on visiting of the elders since my granny has moved on 2 years back.

Afterwhich we proceeded to my eldest aunt's place at yishun. They lived in this 4th storey hdb in a 3rm flat near to the station & it's quite a crowd. She has 4 sons and another 2 aunts (my dad is the youngest) and their families. I'm tired after manning J so didn't manage to get a group photo, so this was the best I can get.

Sat, 05th Feb

It's became a annual cny gathering at Siang Hock's place, by default. Cos everybody has already know where he stays, so its just easier to meet up there. As usual, we got him & hobc to whip up something in the kitchen.

Waited till everybody's arrived before we start the luo hei.

Good luck & Good health to everybody!

This was the highlight of the night, the peng chai. Lotsa expensive ingredients, meat & vegetables inside, we counted roughly around 20 types. I've managed to chope the claypot. :P

The rest looked Small size next to the Large size claypot.

After dinner, Yoyo & Uncle T went out for a break so the rest of us prepped for a surprise for her. It's her birthday the next day.
You can see SHock holding on the bd cake (for quite some time!) and towel in hand.

Yeah, we locked up the door first and mad rush for SHock to lit up the candles before springing the surprise on Yoyo and he's dusting the chair just like the dian xiao er. So funny & noisy!

Leng's bd was the day before & Yoyo's the day after so they both cut the cake together.

Forgotten why the toilet roll is next to the cake liao..

The timer on my camera fired off even before we got ready!

That's better! But I'm lazy to crop for now..

David's heading to mumbai for duty trip so we all took turns to take picture with him.
Smiling in glee with us girls with him. :D

It's the guys' turn next and all swarmed up to him!

With tongue licking & hugging!

I think too much for David with all men around him. Lol.

Danny feeling his heart to make sure it's still pumping after that, hahahhaahhaaa!!

Tender loving gazing into each other's eyes moment.

Ok, gathered the girls for our shot in the kitchen.

Totally unglamourous shot! My masterpiece!

A kawaii one next.
Lindy must be happy that her face's the smallest here. :P

Country Food has taught Jacq well, she's so good at cutting up the watermelon now!

Sun, 06th Feb

Other than my best friend Shimei, I've not met the rest of my classmates from high school for quite some time, so this gathering proved to be more memorable.

Piddles & J.

J&J met up with a handshake.

Followed by a hug.

Ok, this boy loves to take public transport so the ezlink card never leaves his sight (even when he sleeps, still holding tightly onto it). =_=

Mingjie set up his tripod stand with camera and asked around who wants to take family photos, haha!

After that we started gathering some of the kids for photos.
Cos we noticed that all are boys!

My gosh! All 8 of them!
Whatever happen to baby girls?? They will be hot in demand next time for sure!
I must watch out for my Lauren! Hahahaaaa!

JZ with his yoyo.

SM: JZ, you know how to play the yoyo?
JZ: I know!
SM: Show me how you play?
JZ: Y is for yoyo!
SM: . . . . . . . . . .

J's face looking smirky here cos he's munching love letters.
He loves pineapple tarts, love letters, bak kwa etc all the cny goodies.

High School Reunion.
Class of 1989!

With Roy in the picture. J and one of the wives in white have brown hair, her's was dyed though.. lol.
So nice to see everybody after so many years..

Headed back home to rest.
Yup, Carmen & Andrew bringing Lauren to visit me!

Andrew is really very hands on, just like Jason & Dennis. *Envy**

J giving Lauren a hug this time.

Looking a bit grouchy cos she just woke up from her afternoon nap, not enough sleep yet..

Going through the nappy bag see what's interesting within.

Godma bought cute clothes for her too. Lauren mummy, remember to take pictures of her wearing them & post on FB ok? :)

Melia family.

Andrew & Roy so lovey dovey in this pic. Ahahhaahaaa!

Ok, picture with Godma.

Now this is funny! Muahahahhahaaa!!
Roy suddenly appeared in the picture, and Lauren giving him a loving smack in the face!

She looks so small and cute in this picture. Awwww~~

Time for her naptime. Thanks for coming to visit me, Carmen dearie. Smuaks!