Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Over the weekend

Remembered or attempted to take some pictures over the weekend. Saturdays are always a day where you can wake up slightly later than weekdays, when my maid is around to entertain J when he's up & running about.

Afterwhich we went out for breakie at Giant and did the groceries. J's very thrilled when we're at Giant cos he can see Courts & Ikea through the glass and squeal in delight. Piddles is in a good mood that day so decided to cook dinner. Very very simple without any frying, just boil and steam. Pretty healthy too.

Chicken soup is good for the soul or so I've heard. This version is the angmo style with carrots, celery & chicken breast meat (without the skin).

Piddles loves her greens so its kailan for her. No frying cos she don't want a oily kitchen so she steam it instead. Lazy hor? :P

Actually Piddles hate breast meat cos they taste bland and tough. But with the right seasoning, it can be quite tender. I've added in cornflour, dash of pepper & light soysauce. Mix well and chill in fridge before adding into the soup.

Viola! Her kailan came with the abalone sauce instead of oyster sauce cos it's less salty & with lotsa shallots. Looks like a meal for old people hor? :P

And mom is so sweet to make my favourite oneh oneh! Cos she came back from malacca and bought their famous gula melaka. Just so nice & fragrant, with the popping of the brown sugar oozing out into your mouth. Yums!!

On sunday they went shimei's place, to celebrate her birthday in advance (actual day on monday).

Shimei's at harbourfront having breakie when they arrived at cantonment so decided to go playground for a while.
Hm, my hair is getting longer & untidy. Should I get it permed again? Decisions decisions..

I noticed all kids love playgrounds. Be it colourful slides with tick tac toe and spongy flooring or playgrounds from the past, once kids lay their eyes on one, they will just veer their attention there.
But I missed the swings from last time, and the sandy floor where sometimes you'll find cat poo in them. :)

Now they only have slides where they're actually quite clean, due to the constant wiping of the kids' clothes on them. =_=

Nice blooms of morning glories nearby. I love flowers..

Its virtually impossible for me to grab the boys and ask Roy to take a picture for me, so I got him to gather them instead. We girls were outnumbered that day.

J&J didn't really see each other as often as I wish them to.. so they're still quite wary of each other.
JZ always interacts with his cousins so naturally he is more bold & will fight for his toys. Unlike J so blur & keeps running off to daddy or mummy bawling away when JZ don't feel like sharing his toys.
I think J is too protected & delicate mann. Must toughen him up.

J is so fascinated by the toy doggy and keep following it around.

Just observing what the doggy is doing, afterwhich he will pick it up and walk around with it. Just like a little boy carrying the puppy.

The only thing that put their heads together were the iphones. :D

As both me & Roy own one each, so naturally J is more savvy at it. And even put up wallpaper of himself on Yee Yee's iphone, no kidding.

But he dunno how to push a tricycle with his legs though..

Trying to follow what JZ is doing..

Shimei got the same baby bag. Mine's on the left, same colour as my previous baby backpack.

Finally, not forgetting a group pic. Took me 3 shots to get a better pic of everybody as the boys keep moving about. J's holding on to doggy so Jason had to get another one for JZ for the photo taking. :)


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