Friday, July 30, 2010

Random Shots

Last weekend quite boring, and nothing much happening too. Just a few shots for you to see J. :P

Asked Roy to carry J for me to take pics, if not he will just run around. Mom dressed him in sleeveless shirt and jumper.

I still cannot train him to look into the camera and strike a pose for me. -_-
After Roy let him down, he wants to make a grab for the camera to see what I have taken.

My self shots are always in focus due to my awesome camera's reversible viewer, haha!

J with Ernie & Bert @ TM.

And we went inside the yamaha music school and J's fascinated with the guy playing drums.
And started dancing away, yet still walked over to press the keyboard at the piano section. What a busy boy!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Jared boy's 2nd birthday celebration

I didn't realised how time managed to zoom by so fast, until we started planning for a family gathering on J's birthday..
Yup! The boy has turned 2!
Why is it I can still remember so clearly those days when he's still a tiny baby? Maybe cos he's not a terror yet still so cute & chubby then.. Heh~

Which makes me realised again that those times are very precious when you saw through how he has grown and that we're there to witness the process.
And I'm glad that I did create this blog to record some of the interesting & memorable events that has taken place, even though it's 6 months after J was borned. :P

So we held a little do last saturday. Even though it's just the immediate family, Shimei & family, it's already quite a crowd. I wish I can invite my uncles, cousins & close friends but I would have to split into more of me so that I can spend more time with them.

So this is my nephew, Cyan. He's close to 6 months old now & has grown so big that I'm having difficulties carrying him! His arms are thicker than Jared's can you believe it?!! @_@

Piddles also wanna celebrate for him. Got this Totoro frame from tokyo, one of her favourites.

And this swing & slide is a gift from grandma, Roy & his brother. So save the trouble of bringing him to the playground downstairs. I think we are indulging J too much.

JZ checking out the giraffe ride.

And J coming over to see what is JZ checking out. Heh..~

Cousin Sarah super excited about the slide, even though she's a bit too old for it (age 2-6). :D

Everybody gathering around after dinner. Time to bring out the much awaited cake!

I ordered this chocolate mousse cake from Nic's JC mate who bakes homemade cakes & pastries. All the Sesame Street characters were made by hand, which tasted a lot like the snow skin.

Well, J doesn't really has a favourite character but he loves their songs and JZ loves Elmo too. Isn't it colourful? And there's even cookie bits on the mouth of cookie monster! So cute.

Happy Birthday, Jared boy!

It happened to be Uncle Yong Ying's birthday the very next day, Sunday so we can sing the birthday song for them. J clapping so fast that you can hardly see his hands.

The cheeky boy seems to know it's his party and he's mad happy when we sang the birthday song.

Lucky thing Shimei took a clip of it, cos all of us just looked on at J who's jumping up & down clapping away. On the other hand, JZ is super quiet & concentrate on his Elmo. And not forgetting Jason flashing his thumbs up! Just so funny!

Easy does it, don't cut Glover's face!

And of course must give JZ the cake with Elmo.

J wondering where's his share?

And started poking at Elmo.

And Sarah wants Big Bird.

Piddles loves Cookie Monster so Jared gets that.

Mom & Pa are like Ernie & Bert, always bickering with each other but are best of pals & partners. Sounds gay mann.

I love JZ's eyes the most. He has what I call cute puppy eyes.

Cyan's tummy sticking out cos he's wearing J's shirt. Too small for him!

There, much better!

The Loo family.

The Besties family. Shimei trying to turn JZ's head to face the cammie.

Another second later, the boys got distracted. =_=

The Tay family.

And they're all so occupied with the toys.
Piddles had a wonderful evening that day. Tiring but nonetheless enjoyable.

J unwrapping his prezzie from Shimei the next day. Heh, it's just like on boxing day! :)

It's a mini golf set! Shimei noticed J playing with them the other day when we went over to their place.

Now he has his own set to practise on, Roy can teach him liao.

So here's the last bits of the cake. Cos we din have the chance to eat during the party.
Bye bye Oscar, see you soon!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Pre-birthday gift, porridge party & a new hairdo

Dennis has gone for training at the academy for almost a month now & has not seen Jared for some time. Guess he misses the cheeky boy & came visit us on the previous saturday. And they brought along a big box for him! Cos J's birthday was on the following thurday.. So he got his first birthday gift! He is a lucky boy you know.

Check Spelling
Stuff from Mothercare are expensive here, unlike in UK. But they never bade an eyelid when getting stuff for J.

Getting up & about assembling the giraffe ride and excited what will J's reaction be..

J's a little grumpy & even cried a little after his afternoon nap but once he saw the colourful singing giraffe, his face lit up straight away. Yeah, he likes it! But doesn't know how to paddle yet. =_=

Dennis patiently looked on, teaching him how to operate the ride.

Yup, even sitting down at the highchair also must hold on to him. 3 week's separation ok?!

And a short tribute to Stinky the Cat here.

As some of you might have known by now, that J has dropped his beloved stinky cat when grandma brought him out for marketing one day. The cat that has accompanied J for a good 21 months or so, a gift from cousin Sarah.. You will be greatly missed, Stinky the Cat

So Piddles got him a replacement, something which is more easily available to get should J drop it again. Ha!
Introducing Bear bear blankie. It's actually a blankie for kids from Mothercare, super soft & comfy. But it's not cheap too. $$$~~~

So far J seems to like him and will fiddle with him during nap or bedtime. He will look for him when I ask where's bear bear? :)

And here's the slippers which Shimei gave him. JZ's feet have outgrown them so fast.
We decided to have another porridge party last friday. It's good to go plain & healthy once a while. Remembering to take a group shot before starting the feast.

After that, Mama Pearl continued her focus & brought out the rest of the food on the table.

Another camwhore shot.. While Greg has already started digging in the sweet potato porridge.

Here's the spread!

And this being my ulmost favourite! Cold tofu with mama pearl's secret sauce & lotsa chinese parsley. Yums!

And it's a wrap!


After taking a long time to decide on getting my hair permed again, which I did a few years.. I actually did made up my mind over the weekend to do it! But not without paying a hefty price! That's why I took so long to decide mah. Took a trip to Causeway Point where my stylist works.. I've known her since my wedding days, and I've always let her decide & work on my hair, from my first curls to the super short mushroom hairstyle. Heh..

And here's a small picture of the end product, haha! No money to colour hair also.. -_-