Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Dunno why the alignment of my pictures and words all gone haywired so I gotta delete the entire post and reload again.. This time try to centralise the pixs for a change..
Maybe too long didn't do any updates, heh heh..

So anyway, it's Yoyo's birthday last saturday so we met up for dinner. The 3 of us have not seen each other for quite some time (not talking about group meetings), so when we finally set down for dinner, we did lotsa updates on our families & lives & just yakked away happily.

Here's our gifts to her. The green earrings are from Hoops & the little ring (not so little lah) from Piddles. Yoyo so cute, opened the boxes in excitement like a little girl opening her prezzies on Christmas morning. :D

Piddles with her ghostly pale looking hand, trying to point at the mini bouquet. Really not healthy looking, like no blood huh..
Here's a close up of my prezzie, just in case you peeps are curious how she looks like. Yes, its a she! Hee..
She's called A Bouquet For You, and she's the one & only in this world! :D

And also a cute pair of earrings for Hoops for her belated birthday in Jan. Too bad Piddles don't wear them, what a pity. So don't get earrings for her, ok?!! Heh..~

Feeling full and satisfied. Always happy, always smiling in good company.

Hoops, Yoyo & Piddles's Poddies!
And we all chose white, must be same same same.. :P
When will we meet up again? Just the 3 of us? Hmm~~

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