Monday, February 22, 2010

The mind of a child is the purest, the most innocent in this world. They will never scheme against you, nor make use of you to their advantages, at least not now. If he does something to upset the adults, it's really not his fault, since he don't even understand or realise that it's not allowed or condone.

And making noise and screaming in the house.. well, isn't that normal for a bubbly kid to do, let alone a 19 month old baby?? Or haven't you heard of the terrible twos? He hasn't learn how to talk or express himself yet, of course he will find another channel to make his needs known. I know he is terribly pampered but he has been the only son, the only grandson, the only nephew for 18 months, of course we focus all our love and attention on him. Is that wrong?

I'm not saying all kids are noisy & spoilt by nature, there are quiet & well-behaved ones too. But my point is why J don't scream or shout at home or any other homes except yours? So many restrictions and don'ts. Cannot shout, cannot laugh, cannot wear bells, cannot touch this, cannot go there, cannot watch tv etc etc etc!! Then what you want him to do? He's screaming out loud in despair too, you know.

You think I want him to be there, for you guys to scold him for something he has no control or no idea on? And when he walks up to you, and place his tiny hand on your lap, you just brush him off and simply say go away lah. Is that something an adult would do? To deny a child is simply heart-wrenching. What's worst, is that I can't even be there, to protect & defend my boy.

Why can't you just be a little more understanding & show more tolerance to a child? Why take it out on him when he's so helpless against you & can't even defend himself yet? What does that reflect on you as a new parent?

So many tears shed just thinking that J is actually suffering in the comforts of your home.

My heart is just pained... Pain for my J and pain for you as well.

One more week to go and we see how.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chinese New Year 2010

What a long weekend. And CNY just came & passed by so fast. But still, it's a 15 day celebration and Piddles has a few more makans & gatherings coming up. :D

Went to her brother's place in sembawang last week. When she stepped out from the lift, she was taken aback. The whole of the corridor was decorated with cny banners and ornaments, full of red. Piddles just couldn't believe her brother & neighbours hang those up so she walked closer up to the gate. Yup, wrong block. =_=

Even the lifts are not spared on that floor. She's surprised nobody tried to take them away.. Hmm..~

So anyway, Piddles took leave last friday to take care of Jared. Roy needs to work though.. So she's home alone with the cheeky boy. Went to the convenient store nearby to get some groceries and rice to cook porridge for him. Still manageable she guess..

Just so funny seeing little J sitting down in one corner of the sofa watching his favourite babyfirst dvd. You can hardly see him there, watching quietly.

And laughing to himself in glee at the show. Funny boy.

Really feeling at ease at home. But Piddles just don't know why he misbehave at her brother's place, screaming & shouting about. Izzit cos he's jealous that Grandma is taking care of the new baby or the lack of space for him to walk about.
Anyway, sis was worried Piddles might get stressed up & cry at home cos cannot cope with J so she quickly hurried Dennis to get lunch and dropby her place to relief her. Yup, Piddles was pretty tired that morning cos she has to do groceries, feed J cereal, showered him, cook porridge & do some housework. She's so grateful they came. :)

First day of chinese new year. First thing in the morning when Jared's awake, he received 2 angpows from Piddles & Daddy. Wishing him good health, good luck & listen to Daddy & Mummy always. Hee..~

The just woke up look. Jared boy's face looking so glum, haha!

All dressed up and rearing to go. Walking along the line of sunlight and waiting patiently for Piddles & Daddy.

Piddle's hair looking atrocious. She should have get it permed before cny.. Just lazy, and not forgetting it's more expensive too.
Who is cuter? Haha!

When Yong came back sin last sep, she bought some babygap outfits for Jared. Piddles kept one set for him to wear during cny. Doesn't he look smart in white & blue? Thanks Yong! :)

They went to visit Shimei on monday too. Trying to gather the boys to take a shot with mummies. The boys as usual are not being cooperative.. :P

Jared boy making funny faces..

Before making his escape, heh~

Piddles loves J&J to bits. :)

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Anybody misses Jared boy?

At least Piddles think so.. Hubby's col was asking she never update for so long liao.. :P

So sorry! Almost every other day they need to travel up and down sembawang to see Jared boy, just not much mood to do anything else. So lame & so lazy.. She knows.. :)

And she also appreciates that you peeps have been supporting her throughout the year & has seen Jared growing up from a little 5 mth old baby to a cheeky screaming 18 mth old toddler. She should be thankful mann! :D

Anyway, here's the aftermath of his bruise last wed. Piddles is worried it might leave a scar on his perfect silicon chin. :P

Sis & bro-in-law decided to drop by mygym on saturday to see him at play. He's so happy to see them that he keeps running over to peep at them. Daddy decided to catch hold of him & do the jumping act until his arms gave way. Piddles cannot stop laughing though when she saw Jared's mouth wide open. :)

Maid is so clever to bring over her sarong from her hometown for the cheeky boy as she knows it can be quite tiring to carry a 11kg boy around. And to prevent him from going super excited running everywhere without braking. Just amazing to see her wrap the sarong around her & boy and no knots are needed. Piddles is still trying to learn the skill though.. :P

At the dining table, the area infront of him must be cleared at least 30cm radius if not, all the cutlery will just land on the floor. Heh..

So she just let him play with the spoon, watching his every move.. before leaning in to pose for daddy.
Really must teach Jared how to pose for the camera, so difficult to take nice shots of him!

Happy Birthday!

Dunno why the alignment of my pictures and words all gone haywired so I gotta delete the entire post and reload again.. This time try to centralise the pixs for a change..
Maybe too long didn't do any updates, heh heh..

So anyway, it's Yoyo's birthday last saturday so we met up for dinner. The 3 of us have not seen each other for quite some time (not talking about group meetings), so when we finally set down for dinner, we did lotsa updates on our families & lives & just yakked away happily.

Here's our gifts to her. The green earrings are from Hoops & the little ring (not so little lah) from Piddles. Yoyo so cute, opened the boxes in excitement like a little girl opening her prezzies on Christmas morning. :D

Piddles with her ghostly pale looking hand, trying to point at the mini bouquet. Really not healthy looking, like no blood huh..
Here's a close up of my prezzie, just in case you peeps are curious how she looks like. Yes, its a she! Hee..
She's called A Bouquet For You, and she's the one & only in this world! :D

And also a cute pair of earrings for Hoops for her belated birthday in Jan. Too bad Piddles don't wear them, what a pity. So don't get earrings for her, ok?!! Heh..~

Feeling full and satisfied. Always happy, always smiling in good company.

Hoops, Yoyo & Piddles's Poddies!
And we all chose white, must be same same same.. :P
When will we meet up again? Just the 3 of us? Hmm~~

Monday, February 01, 2010

Heartpain.. :(

Piddles is frustrated..

Why people (or some only, for the benefits of others) don't listen to what she says?!

When she asked that the freaking piece of SOLID WOOD that acts as coffee table to be moved away from the front of the TV, as she knows Jared is likely to run into it, they said later..

When she went to toilet to crap, she asked please look out for Jared, hubby gave a nod. So in the midst of her business, she heard the sound which she DON"T WANT to hear at all, the cries of Jared. She rushed out in a flash, might have forgotten to wash her hands, what the hell..

Everybody crowded around him, and what do you know, the coffee table disappeared.

Jared's chin was bloody followby drool and they eventually stained onto his collar. Her heart bled that instant too.
She just don't know what to say.. Completely speechless.. Dumb struck..

Should Piddles be mad? At who? Or the piece of wood? Maybe she should blame herself for going toilet in the first place.

Kids fall down all the time, people would say.. But why wait for accidents to happen when things can be prevented in the first place?? Especially when she has highlighted beforehand??

She just hope her words can be taken seriously at times, that's all..

My poor baby..

Afternote: Hubby told Piddles she never mentioned he is feeling very heartpain also.. Let this be a lesson learnt and to listen to Piddles next time. Or all the time please.. :I