Monday, December 21, 2009

Not much activities over the weekend cos I got a really bad headache due to er.. erm.. :P
So Roy being so sweet, took over to accompany Jared to MyGym on sat & sun for the make-up class.
Only just managed to remember to take some random pictures of the little bugger at home.

This boy will never sit still obediently & let you put on his clothes & diaper for him. Instead, he will just take off & run all over the place naked, after a bath. You'll need 2 pairs of hands to handle him during dressing time.
ps: Mom jumped with a loud shriek, gave me a shock! I asked what happened? She replied Jared boy pee ed on her leg.. O_o

And he thinks he's a little gangster by sticking out his leg while watching tv programmes.. *Piddles shaking her head*

So anyway, this boy is full of actions & also nonsenses. Sometimes he listens to what we ask him to do, sometimes don't. So we caught him in a good mood, and there you go, seeing him shaking his little booty & TLP diaper. Haha!

YeeYee came over on sunday for dinner, and gave Jared boy a little backpack. The boy is so delighted & runs amok when we put on the backpack for him. I can only captured him in a blur.. @_@

Only when he finally stood still to fiddle with the dvd player control, that I got a clear shot, heh heh..

This boy is super pampered, refusing to drink plain water from bottle & we must spoon-feed him instead. So on & off, while outside we'll feed him some beverages from straw. So I tempted him with some berry juice that he's got no choice but to try sucking up from the straw. And viola! Now he knows how to drink from it liao..! Phew~

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