Sunday, September 13, 2009

Piddles took leave to accompany Yong one friday during her precious 3 weeks break back here.. She's putting up a paper for her school assignment, something on singapore so they're making their way to cityhall to take pictures of some major buildings. Piddles making her way to tampines where she's staying to meet her.

Feeling hungry so she decided to go for breakfast at Mac.

Eating the hotcakes, Piddles way. Next time will bring Jared along..

Still waiting for Yong.. While having her cuppa and armed with a book from Shimei.

Along the Singapore river, behind Esplanade.

While waiting patiently for her to take pictures of the skyline.. Zzzz~~

And she asked a tourist nearby to help take a picture.. Feel like a friggin tourist ourselves..!?!!

And Piddles asked her to pop out from behind the mini merlion.. :P

And this is mom's infamous kueh lapis. Yong has a weakness for it so Piddles took another 1/2 days leave to take care of J boy so that mom can have timeout to bake for her.

Cut with Love..

All the painstaking layers of lapis. And the aroma alone sets your mouth-watering.. Reminds Piddles of Chinese New Year.. Heh..

A beaming Yong.. Handling the cake with extra care..

A picture together before she jets off in the wee hours of thursday morning..
Piddles already missing Yong even before she bade her goodbyes. She gave Yong a tight hug & told her to take good care of herself. Till next year, Yong love. Miss you very much~~

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