Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Piddles is getting lazy these days.. Wonders how long can she continue here? :P
Anyway, Jared's Pops walks over just now and laments.. 'Hey, no updates ahh?' Errr..
So here she is.. instead of watching her korean dramas online during her precious free time, attempts to upload some pics of J boy & making Pops happy.. Baa~

Got him something new.. J's Pops used to love trains & tracks of all kinds so insisted on getting one for J boy too.. Make him sit in the middle of the track, surprised he doesn't mess up them up.. Heh..

His first Pull n' Go train.. Totally engrossed watching it go~~

But he prefers to play with the prop tree instead.. =_=
ps: His face not round & chubby anymore hor? Starting to take the shape of daddy pidds..

With pouted lips too.. :P

Not sure when he grows a sudden interest in the sarong stand?? Hmm~

And not forgetting to turn & see if Piddles is looking his way & then flashing his crooked smile.. ('',)

And then back to his pole climbing/dancing again.. =_=

Piddles noticed a dirt on his left foot and kept rubbing away only to find it doesn't come off! On a closer inspection revealed its not a dirt but a mole. Mom says certain moles at certain area of the body meant something so Piddles, being a curious cat, google to find what it means.

Mole on left foot : Reveals a quick intellect and well-developed sense of thought. Sign of properity & comfort through life.

We'll see about that.. Piddles & Pops' happiness will be in your hands, J boy! :P

Found a childhood cartoon! Visionaries! It's about a group of heroes able to conjure real life animals with superpowers at their commands. Awesome! And so, Piddles tuned back to her youtubing session. They have all sorts of rubbish there.. Haha..

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