Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Hari Raya weekend whizzed by quickly and Piddles needs to recap what she has done that week. Memory getting bad.. =_=

There's a new bb gym at tampines & there's a open house so they went for the free trial..

Handling Jared boy is hard work so Piddles tasked Daddy Pidds to settle him.. ('',)

Getting familiar with the surroundings with a inquisitive look.

Daddies Daycare. Piddles is looking forward to the day where the daddies can bring the boys out while the mommies can enjoy a day out for high tea & catching up on gossips.. Ha~

Submerging the boys in coloured balls!

JZ enjoying himself while J boy looks on..

After play, he's looking for Piddles liao..

Jared is the apple of Piddles eyes and vice versa.. :P

Come to Mommy!~~

And he's finally back in Piddles arms.. *looking triumph*
And a clip of what's new at the gym..

He seems to be enjoying himself..

Looking sexy in his baby gap swim shorts, from aunty Yong.

It's a daddy & son bonding day while Piddles lay back resting under the shade.
Ah, this is life!

He finds it more fun outside the float then in it.. :P
And Yee yee & Dennis came over to visit on sunday. Took a few clips though..
As Jared is learning to walk nowadays, chances of him falling down is high as he's not a careful walker.. He just zooms ahead.. So mom thought of something~~

ps: Notice the bear is upside down.. Suppose to be upright for a seasoned walker but since he's still amateur, we flipped around so that can have a better grip at the leash.. :P
Jared is number 1 when it comes to play..
And while resting, still at play.. =_=
Everything is amusing to him.

Friday, September 18, 2009

If Piddles don't have lunch kakis, she'll normally skip lunch & go inside transit for window shopping.
Just take a look at what she's bought in the short span of an hour.. -_-

Times bookshop staff gave Piddles a big recycle bag upon seeing her with so many bags.. ('',)

Got a pink panther stuff toy for Jared cos he has this small little blue cat which he's always biting its tail & its damn smelly lor!

Saw these cute little containers, can't resist getting even though she has no idea what she's gonna keep in there??

Gave one to mom cos she has this cheapo wornout jewellery box which she uses it to keep her precious rolex watch. Decided to get a cute one for her, make her happy. She's so easily contented.. :)
Got a cow, Mooo~~

That lights up if you press the tail.. Hee..~

Got a cute book for him, can just hang in the car or stroller. But mom absolutely loathes caterpillar, she'll run for a mile if she sees one. :P

And a book for Piddles, she loves girly books.
Going back to her reading days again, hope Jared will be motivated to read more too!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jared Walks!

Well, not really the real walking but just some maiden steps.. Wobbly & shaky.. But still! First few steps at exactly 14 months!

Jared boy feeling amazed & chuckling away as he walks. Heh..

Piddles & daddy Pidds feeling ticklish & laughing away on seeing him walking like a zombie.. Ha~

A clip of Daddy Pidds reading to Jared while waiting for their turn for flu vaccine. Kiddo is looking serious with frowned eyebrows, and making noise when daddy finished the book..! Quite a interesting sight though.. :P


ps: If Youtube page showed "an error occurred, pls try again". Not sure why? Anyway, just click on the right the video again to load. Thanks.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Ha, Piddles' furry friends ask her how come no pictures of Jared ah? Ok, she shall flood you all with him in this posting!

Jared has finished his package of 20 sessions for the baby spa (with the ridiculously looking neck-float one), so Piddles decided to bring him for a swim at the pool last sat.

This boy seems to know they're going somewhere exciting cos he's looking mighty cheery!
ps: He's always sported with a wet hairlook cos he's so active & sweats a lot! Phoofff! =_=III

At the babypool.. All hiding in the shade to avoid the sun.. :P
Piddles is already in her early thirties and would like to maintain a fair complexion, thank you very much!~

Jared still checking & smelling out the new environment while Piddles is posing for a picture for daddy Pidds, armed with the cammie precariously in the waters.. Haha!!

Trying to take pic of party of 3 but without success! He's just too engrossed with all the water around..
Here's a clip of him warming up & finally enjoying the swim..
ps: Please ignore the unglam Piddles. ;P


If not for Jared in tow, Piddles would have jump in to play with the water splashing around.. Oh well~~

Went to mom's place, sis & Dennis were there waiting for Jared boy. He saw Dennis with his shades and made a grab for it. So Dennis tried it on him.. :D

Looking very SMUG in it. Piddles is surprised that it didn't fall off..! Either his nose bridge is high enough (proud!) or his face is just big enough.. ('',)
And he can leave it there long enough to show grandpa! This boy really knows how to look COOL huh?~~

He's got such itchy hands. The happy safari musical toy that was hanging against the bed he can plucked it out to play.. -_-
Lantern festival is approaching, maybe it's a hint for Piddles to get a toy lantern for him instead..

:) :) :)

He can drive you crazy yet make you laugh at times. Piddles don't know what to do with him sometimes.
She's totally at his mercy.. For now!
Muahahahahahahh! *sly smile*

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Piddles took leave to accompany Yong one friday during her precious 3 weeks break back here.. She's putting up a paper for her school assignment, something on singapore so they're making their way to cityhall to take pictures of some major buildings. Piddles making her way to tampines where she's staying to meet her.

Feeling hungry so she decided to go for breakfast at Mac.

Eating the hotcakes, Piddles way. Next time will bring Jared along..

Still waiting for Yong.. While having her cuppa and armed with a book from Shimei.

Along the Singapore river, behind Esplanade.

While waiting patiently for her to take pictures of the skyline.. Zzzz~~

And she asked a tourist nearby to help take a picture.. Feel like a friggin tourist ourselves..!?!!

And Piddles asked her to pop out from behind the mini merlion.. :P

And this is mom's infamous kueh lapis. Yong has a weakness for it so Piddles took another 1/2 days leave to take care of J boy so that mom can have timeout to bake for her.

Cut with Love..

All the painstaking layers of lapis. And the aroma alone sets your mouth-watering.. Reminds Piddles of Chinese New Year.. Heh..

A beaming Yong.. Handling the cake with extra care..

A picture together before she jets off in the wee hours of thursday morning..
Piddles already missing Yong even before she bade her goodbyes. She gave Yong a tight hug & told her to take good care of herself. Till next year, Yong love. Miss you very much~~

Office Makan

Had curry party for lunch last monday. But Piddles didn't really ate a lot cos her mom also cooked curry the day before and its so so spicy that it gave her a tummy upset.. :P

Everybody tucking in the hot pot of curry with toasted baguette.

And then the very next morning, its egg mayo for breakfast. Together with cowhead cheese, kaya & peanut butter.. *drool*

Pearl is like our mommy, always prepare the food lovingly for us before herself.

Allowing Piddles to enjoy a hearty egg mayo & cheese sandwich, accompany by a cup of killiney kopi o to start the day.. :)