Wednesday, March 05, 2014

19 Jan, 2014 Jared fell sick again.. And.. a new library...

One of my worst nightmares is always when J falls sick..
and when fever is involved.. which still happens quite frequently..
This boy is weakkkk.. -_-

Woken up by mom at around 6am to feed J med cos his temp is around 38.
After that he refused to sleep and played until 9am before he zonked out..
Everytime I see him sweat out, I feel relieved.. Be it from fever or exercise..

Roy did spring cleaning by clearing out some of J's old toys.. And J's so excited
cos he saw the mountain of toys! Strangely I couldn't bear giving up any of his stuff
cos they reminded me of the times when he's still a cute little baby.. and
many of his toys are still in very good conditions cos he actually takes quite
good care of them.. or maybe I also keep telling him to be gentle with them..
And now he's a big boy and gonna be in pri 1 next year, fml..

He cleared out a corner in his study room to make way for a bookshelf for J..
Top part is for his golf books and comics..

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