Tuesday, December 31, 2013

End of year 2013

I admit I've not been very diligent this year in blogging.. It's not that I'm giving up.. just that
it's very time consuming to edit & upload a series of pictures into a single post. Sigh..

But I have gotten this app which I will upload pic of the day everyday and I've
completed one entire year already! Yay.. Of course I won't be posting all of the 365 number of pics
as some are kinda personal but hope this will somehow compensate in my lack of posts..

I'm still trying to source for a compact & good camera for me to carry around and upload
instantly onto the net.. Till then, this will have to do.. Heh.. Getting less & less views here
but I'll try to keep it going.. After all, it's been 5 years! Wow.. Time do flies..

Happy New Year Everybody and hope 2014 will be better for all.. :)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Baby Cayla's 1st Birthday

Sat, December 7, 2013

BBC aka Baby Cheoh, Cayla has
turned 1! Omg, times whizzed by
so fast.. One moment she's just
a tiny baby with a tiny mummy
and now she's one.. @_@

Anyway, we went to her birthday
party at NSRCC and the theme
that day was fairies.. I really can't
figure where to get any Peter Pan
or elf costumes for J so in the
end, I let him wear this tee with a
frog on it.. Well, he can be the frog
prince, ahahahhaa!

It was a wonderful evening with all
my dear peeps, and our darling kids.. :):):)

Monday, December 09, 2013

Little Red

Sun, December 1, 2013
Brought J to watch Red Riding Hood at DBS Arts Centre today..
It's from Singapore Repertory Theatre's
The Little Company where each year they will have musicals specially for young kids.

J at this age is definitely more
engaging but not without testing
my patience each & every day!

Still it's fun to see him appreciate
the musical, my $70 is well-spent
then.. heh hehh..

Thank you

Sat, November 23, 2013

Our helper Tamini is finally going
back to her hometown in solo, Indonesia. She has served us very
well, taking care of my inlaws,
during their last days.. She is
one of the most honest, hardworking helper I've come across so far. I will miss her loads.

Thank you for all your contributions
for the past 7 years.. Take care.

Durian Feast

Fri, October 25, 2013

Filling day.. Fishball noodles for lunch, wanton noodles for dinner &
finale was Durians!

This was my ever first eating durians
by the roadside.. But the good
company made up for it..
Really shiok durians..!

J and his guitar

Mon, October 28, 2013

J has been pestering us to get him
a guitar but Roy thinks that it'll be
too big for him now..

But being a simple boy he is, he's
equally happy to open up the
package that Roy ordered in the mail.

It's a mini version called the Ukelele..
It's four string instead of the usual
six string guitar..

Let's see if his interest still stays
before I decide to let him go for lessons..
I think Roy is too lazy to teach him anyway -_-