Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dry spell

I'm so slacked.. Just uploading a few pictures can take weeks.. We didn't go anywhere special so nothing much worth taking.. Anyway, still managed to squeeze out some random shots for you..

Went to buy cupcakes for my buddy Yong, who touched down on her birthday. She's finally back, for good. :)
I think it's not easy, a really tough decision for her. She has to give up everything in seattle and come back here to start afresh.. Huge sacrifice of mummy!

Letting Roy choose for a change..

The colours and varieties are so attractive but there're a tact too sweet for us..

As usual, the kids were not interested in posing for us..
Happy birthday, my dear friend.

We were at isetan scotts after class one saturday as Roy wanted to get a golfing glove. J preferred to use his hand rather than the golf club.. =_=

At my brother's place in sembawang. So far the boys can play along together without getting into a fight.. yet..

J still loves his Thomas train set best.. His very first set, a prezzie from Carmen.. :)

Paying a visit to my sister's col Eileen. She's very sweet, always give J lotsa stuff. So we got her kids some candies from Tokyo too.

I love the boys in stripes..

His hair look so long here! Time for a haircut!

Playing with Eileen's boy's toy cars..

We took J for a haircut at Dennis's longtime hairdresser. He has been visiting that salon since his teens.. maybe more than 20 years.. So loyal.. :)

Always so grouchy looking while waiting to go into class.

We bought this pair of slippers, that mop the floor at the same time you walk on. J insisted on wearing them.. I thought they went well with his attire that day. Asking him to do the salute pose for me.
His short fringe makes him look comical here..

Bashful look here..


  1. Lol J Boy is so cute! (as usual) and he's growing up so fast hor....?


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