Monday, March 02, 2015

J's new room

First resolution of the year, is to finally build up a room fit
for J. He's turning 7 this year, going to P1 and we think he
might need some space of his own.. Which I'm glad we did..

Moving out all the excessive stuff collected and piled up
in the room took days to clear and Roy took time out to
paint up the room as well. It's so vacant you can hear
echoes when you talk in the room..

And the custom-made desk and book shelves are up!
J is setting up his Lego Movie collections on the table..

The steps that lead up to J's platform bed acts as a compartment
for his toys and knick knacks as well..

The complete room.

Just to clarify the crib hanging toys are not for babies..
even though it looked super cute & colourful..
It's the solar system present from Carmen! Heee...

And the yellow house on the right is the Peppa pig
series that Wanyu lugged back from UK last time..

So far, the room is quite well received from the adults
as well as kids who visited us during cny..

Many thanks to Roy for sponsoring and overseeing the
renovations while I just decide on the colour schemes.. Lol..

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Cyan's 5th Birthday

My nephew Cyan has turned 5 in January 2015.
They really grow quite fast in the blink of an eye..
And that means we are growing old quite fast as well.. Zzz..

Anyway, no need to hold anymore birthday parties now that
the kids are older.. just a family affair.. Even the cake is baked
by my mum..

Superheroes united! Skinniest batman you ever seen..

Anyway whenever the three of them are together, it can get quite rowdy and noisy!
So I totally understand folks with 3 kids, be it all boys all girls or mixture..

Colourful Batman blueberry fresh cream cake.

Not sure why the birthday boy is not singing though..

Reyd is totally adorable here..

Just difficult to get the kids to focus.. So we just go
ahead and take the pic..