Tuesday, October 19, 2010

More gatherings

Boss treated the whole office to lunch last week, for the post hari raya celebrations.
So sweet of him.

13th Oct, Wed

The whole entourage.

Somehow or rather, the food does taste nicer on a banana leaf. Think it's all in the mind..
Initially wanted to eat by the hand but I didn't wash my hand before meal so next time perhaps!

Was so busy eating that I forgotten to gather everybody for a group photo.
Have to settle on their backviews then. :P

14th Oct, Thu

Really missing Yoyo, have not seen her for a few months. She's terribly busy at CF so Piddles had to remind her that it's time to meet up!
And Piddles still got Roy to fetch them to Marina, ordered him to go play golf & picked them up after that. And so, she's eternally grateful to him for that. ('',)

Once we saw each other, immediately bombarded each other with updates in our lives. And the yakking continued well past 10nish.. Until Roy came looking for us..
Yoyo looked so tired that Piddles felt a little heartpain. Coming next year, better take care of yourself & look pretty okie?!!

15th Oct, Fri

And on friday, we had dinner at boss Siang Hock's (shock for short) place.
On the bus ride to marine parade.

Ok, my face is bigger than Lindy's here. :)

Lazing in the living room, waiting for the rest to arrive.

Yoyo came with Uncle T, chatting with shock who's toasting the pratas for them.
He cooked the (china version) chicken curry that day.

Took a pee in the toilet & saw the cute anti-slip mats! Must remember to ask shock to get me too. Cos I'll scream at J whenever I see him anywhere near the kitchen toilet.

An equally tired-looking Uncle T but still gamed enough to manage a smile for me.
Digging in the yummy (cooked with love) curry. :P

After dinner still lazed around.. But Shock, Daniel, Lindy & me were busy playing mj.

They decided to disturb & surprised shock with ang ku kuehs instead of cake.
He eyed the kuehs with raised eyebrows.. heh..

Of course after that we took out a actual birthday cake. It's Greg's birthday this week so we celebrated together for them.

Cutting the cake hand in hand. Gay lads United!

Happy Birthday, Shock & Greg!!!

After cake cutting ceremony, everybody dispersed almost immediately.
So now I'm the default cake-cutter.. =_=

Really sweet of boss to prepare dessert for us too.

Shock's a happy birthday boy that night. :D

Piddles & her Danny boy..

Monday, October 11, 2010


09th Oct, Sat
Lily invited us to her place for a hari raya gathering last sat. She hasn't seen J since last year so requested that we must bring him along.

We picked up uncle along the way. J allowed uncle to carry him & held hands & that makes uncle thrilled. So J must be in a good mood that day then.

Stopped them on the way up so that I can take a photo of them. Jared just take it as the most natural thing to do, like uncle is his uncle. :)

We were the first to arrive & Lily welcomed us with open arms. J quickly settled in & started fiddling with the tidbits on the coffee table. We have to be mindful that he doesn't drop & crash the plates mann, cos he has lightning flash fingers..

Lily smiling in glee cos I managed to take a pic of the 2 of them.

And arghhhh!!! What is this?!!!! I was flabbergasted momentarily.

Ya, I was not watchful enough & J went off tracked & left his mark on the wall! All my fault.. :(~~

And we both felt so bad that I quickly asked Roy if he can salvage or at least lighten the mark. Sigh.. Kids can be so destructive..

With Shanti & auntie Rebekah.

Cos it's kinda crowded in the living room so we hid in one of the girl's room. We did that last year too. :P

Party of 3.
My face is getting rounder, gosh..

Flowers that Lily received from cols & frens. So sweet of them.

Group photo with colleagues.

We're leaving to check out uncle's new place so I asked J to give parting kisses to Lily & her hubby. The cheeky boy actually listened to my instructions that day. Ha!

For a moment, my jaws dropped & thought I've stepped into a CD shop instead of a house mann. #_#
So uncle wasn't kidding when he said he had 100 boxes in the warehouse when he shifted house. We had only less than 25 boxes during our move. Wow..

And somemore at the side of the living room.

Not forgetting some around the tv console. omg.

And all still in their original packages & plastic, painstakingly collected over the years. It must have cost tens of thousands there.. J's very careful & walking sideways along the narrow passage. This boy likes tight corners, and Roy's very proud of that.. -_-

And we're just fascinated with this old sony tv, think its more than 20 over years old.

10th Oct, Sun

Mom cooked mee soto on sunday & gathered the family for dinner.
Cyan is 8 months old now & weighs almost the same as J. His legs & arms are actually thicker than J's too. omg.

Big backside. Kee..~~

J is just taller than Cyan maybe by a head.

But when Grams was carrying Cyan, J hurried over & wanted to be carried too.

One started crying while the other smiling so mischievously.

And the crying's getting on his nerves a bit..

Oh well, off to getting a piggy ride on daddy's back.

And recently, after shower, he likes to run away naked & refuses to put on his clothes.
He can be quite a handful & you'll see Roy & Dennis here man handling him.

Sis & Dennis have not seen J for a few weeks due to their long working hours so they're spending more time with J when they're here. So much of love for Piddles's little boy.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Happy Children/Birthday!

It was children's day last friday, 1st Oct, also happened to be Jason's birthday.
We always neglected the guys birthdays so this year, I make it a point to celebrate for him.
And the Wee family have always been nice to us and of course, vice versa. ('',)

Went to pick up J after work to Shimei's place in cantonment road. And this time JZ is more willing to share his toys, heh..

Normally J behaves like a terror when he snatched the iphone from us but when JZ is playing, he will just look on with a "loser look"..

And turned his attention on a box instead. Haha!

3 heads are always better than 1..

J looks like a china boy here.. -_-III


After dinner, whipped out the birthday cake. Jason is a chocolate lover.

Just so hard to make the boys focus, the kiddos I mean.

Just so funny when we're singing the bd song and the boys just don't show any interest at all.
Well, J did gave Jason a pat though.. Haha!

Happy Birthday, Jason dearest!

And JZ can't wait to sink his teeth into the cake. And he's so good at feeding himself already.


They both look so cute with the chocolate smudges on their lips.
Just adorable. :)