Saturday, March 27, 2010

Everytime in the car, where it's bright & sunny outside, Piddles will always pull down the car shades & put up the blind for her side of the window. Her thrash for bright lights are really quite low actually, just that she couldn't be bothered to wear sunglasses.

Until she went for the taipei trip, the rest all wearing nice shades to keep the sunlight out while she's still squirming or using her hand to shade her eyes. So pathetic.

So after much consideration, she decided to invest in a pair. And what best than a pair of Oakley shades? She must've tried on at least 10 pairs (thank god the optician is so patient, but maybe cos Piddles is a potential buyer, ha!) before settling for this one. Not overly sporty nor feminine, best of all, Roy can still wear them. Ha!

Polarized Flak Jacket (Ex ah!). At least it's made in usa, and Yong says it's way cheaper to get it in portland. Too bad I didn't figure that out last sep.. =_=

She better be careful not to let Jared boy lay his hands on them!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Just back..

Hi everybody!

Piddles just came back from a trip to Taipei over the weekend. Loads of work to catch up on.
The rest are still holidaying there, will gather the rest of the pictures next week. Please stay tune.. :)

ps: Maybe I should load the "safer" pictures in FB first, what you think?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Crabby Day

Short Post.

Had a dinner date with sis & bil last tue cos Piddles wanted to eat crabs. Can order more dishes to share then..
They have not been to Melben crabs in Ang Mo Kio together since gotten married, like 5 years ago! And the stall has bought over the kopitiam, that's how good their business are.

I bet those staying one floor above the restaurant must be pretty miserable, specially when night approaches.. noisy mah.. :P

Looking very cheery & waiting in anticipation for the food. Must be thousands of crab shells displayed above mann..

Yeah, the famous crab mee hoon. Ordered extra soup & mee hoon too.. Crab looking up at us, inviting us to eat him! Haha! Simply mouthwatering..

Black pepper on the left & butter crab on the right. Already busy eating, then forgot to take pics of them. My favourite is the butter crab, so aromatic!

Overall still nice, but maybe cos I've not eaten for so long since I've got J. Good dinner.

Monday, March 15, 2010

To date, mom & J still staying in sembawang taking care of Cyan, not until bro comes back from chengdu. She's getting bored being cooped up at home so when she's free, will munch on the kwa chees. Nothing to do mah.
And J, upon seeing Grandma munching away happily, demanded to try too. =_=

He will run up to her, wait impatiently for her to peel out the seed & open his mouth earnestly for it. Just like a little bird opening his mouth for mother bird to feed him the worm. After that, he will run away to play, and come back again for more.

Jared boy also getting bored there, and limited space for walking. He'll keep himself entertained by spinning round & round or walking backwards sometimes. I caught him walking on fours that night using my iphone but the angle looked wrong. Looks like spiderman right? Haha!
Cyan is 6 weeks old now, and looks chubbier. Mom felt accomplished that he's weighing 5 kg now. :P
Love his mohawk hairstyle.

Finally had some time to sit down & gathered J's angpows. Need to deposit into his account. Little bugger actually has a few Ks already.. Kids nowadays are so having a good life.

Only daddy wrote something on his angpow - Good health & grow up tall. Something like that..
Piddles has already given him a big smuaks on cny day itself liao. Heh..

Jared boy has ditched his own stinky & tookover Piddle's one!
Argh! Originally she has 2 of her own & Roy has snatched one away from her.. And now J too!
The men in her life are pillow snatchers!!!

Just enjoyed watching Dennis with J. He will always talk softly into his ear, teaching him things. Not sure the boy understand or not? Heh..~

:) :) :)
J's two daddies, in a good way (like what yong says). Piddles can step back & relax a little.
Looking forward to our road trip soon! (1st Apr)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Piddle's New Baby

Yup, she's finally decided to get her. Contemplating between a dslr & semipro but in the end got the latter cos she simply don't have patience to go figure out all the functions of a dslr and to use effectively. She just wants a more advance one than her present ixus to take better shots of J. Plus her G11 is light & handy, still can put inside her handbag, that's the most important factor, haha!

Her new baby, taken from her old baby.

And her old baby, taken from her new baby. But of course she won't abandon her ixus, still love her just as much. :)

So anyway, she attended the complimentary product training to learn more about her G11.
Sit at the 1st row, not realising that she's the "center of attraction" on the projector. =_=
Very conscious and sitting proper.

Took a pic while waiting for Roy after the lesson. Her 1st night scene pic. What you think?
Went to Bedok North hawker centre for dinner. Love the oyster omelette, just the omelette though. Piddles don't eat oyster & Roy could'nt be happier to finish them up for her.

And the infamous soup bak cho mee. Still nice & not overrated. Parking was a nightmare, even during weekdays. They were lucky to find a lot after 2200hrs.

Not sure if the xing ji & seng hiang stalls were related but the taste of their mee were exactly the same ley.
But she still enjoyed the dinner very much that night. Yums!

Thursday, March 04, 2010


Piddles thinks you guys will be more interested in Jared boy then her, so here're some random pics & clips for your enjoyment. Hee~

Piddles & daddy took him for his 18th month jab, booster for his immune system . He's so brave, didn't flinch at all. Just looked on Dr Koo with wide eyes, so brave. Piddles so proud of him!

But he developed a slight fever that night, due to reaction to the jab. So sad, Piddles couldn't bring him to SHock's gathering that sat.

So anyway, she kept testing his temperature, just to be sure he's ok cos they already experienced that time when he had high fever and they were so stressed over it. @_@
The cheeky boy decided to help himself to test though, haha!

So we moved his gym session to sunday instead, let him rest more. He doesn't show any signs of discomfort though, still hard at play leh.. =_=

February this year was sooo hot, that Piddles had trouble staying at home over the weekends. Felt like oven at home unless on the air-con. So they decided to head to airport again, cos shopping malls are just too crowded. Very sunny & bright in the car, so she put daddy's shades on J. Heh..

Went to T2 this time, not as crowded as T3, and J just walk & walk ahead, occasionally will turn back if we call him. Din bring stinky cat along so hang my airport pass around his neck, haha. He just held on and trooped ahead.

J sleeping with Yoyo as company. He duwan Piddles & Hoops leh.. -_-III

Sis & Dennis got some educational toys for J cos wanna improve his motor skills. But the boy's only interested in the hammer instead, and wherever he goes, the hammer follows.

We were playing MJ and he insisted on sitting with us & wanted a piece of the tile. Dennis chucked the hammer behind him but its drooping down, so funny.

Stinky cat on the right & hammer on the left. Hee..

Even when he cried for his milk, still holding on the hammer. What a funny & impatient boy!

Monday, March 01, 2010

15 days of cny, just passed by like that. So fast.. Anyway, put up some pixs for the rest of the cny makans..

We had a simple dinner at the kopitiam under SHock's block so that we can go up for a game of mj, so convenient! Everybody surprisingly managed to reach on time at 7pm.

Getting ready to lo hei the yusheng.. Didn't have time to take anymore pixs cos busy eating!

But managed to remember to take a group shot though, with a table full of plates.. :P

While waiting for the lift, saw the cctv so took a shot of that too. Nothing better to do huh.. Heh..

Can't see what I'm taking but still asked them to pose for me.. All looking satisfied after a good meal.

Serena invited us to her place last friday for gathering. So kind of her to still remember us even though she has retired last year. Cos I think she wants to see J lah.. Haha!

J looking smart in the striped polo tee, must specially thank cousin Shirleen, who bought them from old navy in US. So sweet of her. At least Piddle's showers of love on Shirleen when she was little was not made in vain. Haha again! :P

A lot of senior citizens at the gathering so what best to do but sing karaoke? Jared walking all over the house, and dancing to the music. Cute..

J walked into the kitchen & daddy follow suit. Asked them to pose for Piddles, and she couldn't resist taking a shot of the kitchen too. So white, neat & clean right?

Much betta! :D

Does J looks like girl girl? So many have ask Piddles if he's a girl. I think its his hair, or maybe his face.. Feel like cutting his hair botak. =_=

J walked & walked the whole house until Piddle's tired of following him so she plonked him on the cushions at the balcony.

So nice right? The little cozy corner by the balcony & Serena made the effort to put lightings on it.
J engrossed in his world & poddy.